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Who owns New Hope mining?

Washington H. Soul Pattinson
New Hope Coal is an Australian thermal coal-mining company. New Hope’s operations include New Acland Mine, Jeebropilly Mine, and Queensland Bulk Handling. New Hope Coal is 61.11% owned by Washington H. Soul Pattinson and is headquartered in Brisbane, Queensland.

What type of coal does New Hope produce?

We export Tivoli brand coal, which produces low nitrous oxides and carbon dioxide emissions and has low sulphur content, making it one of Australia’s cleanest burning coals.

Who owns Acland coal mine?

the New Hope Group
The New Acland Coal Mine is located amidst farmlands on the Darling Downs, 35 km north-west of Toowoomba in Queensland. It is operated by New Acland Coal Pty Ltd (NAC), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the New Hope Group.

Who owns Bengalla mine?

New Hope Group
Bengalla Mining Company is a joint venture ownership with New Hope Group 80% and Taipower 20%.

What is the current price of coal?


Name Price Unit
Coal 145.50 USD per Ton
RBOB Gasoline 2.30 USD per Gallone
Uranium 43.85 USD per 250 Pfund U308
Oil (Brent) 82.55 USD per Barrel

What is a thermal coal?

Thermal coal, also known as ‘steaming coal’ or just ‘coal’, is widely used as the principle means of generating electricity in much of the world. These plants decayed and were eventually turned into coal by the intense heat and pressure of the Earth’s geological forces.

Has Acland mine been approved?

The New Acland Mine is located adjacent to Acland township, about 10 km north of Oakey on the Darling Downs in Queensland, Australia….New Acland Mine.

Opened 2002
Closed 2019, the mine is currently mothballed as extension applications have not been approved.
Company New Hope Coal

What is natural coal?

Coal is a combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock with a high amount of carbon and hydrocarbons. Coal is classified as a nonrenewable energy source because it takes millions of years to form. Coal contains the energy stored by plants that lived hundreds of millions of years ago in swampy forests.

How big is Peak Downs mine?

Peak Downs Mine is a large open cut coking coal mine in Queensland located 31 km SSE of Moranbah. Peak Downs is one of seven mines in Bowen Basin owned by the BHP Mitsubishi Alliance, Australia’s largest coal miner and exporter….Peak Downs Mine.

Production 9,000,000 Tonnes / Year
Opened April 1972

Who are the owners of New Hope Coal Mine?

The New Acland Coal Mine, owned and managed by New Acland Coal Pty Ltd, a New Hope Group company, has played a key role in the Darling Downs region as an employer and economic contributor since it began operation in October 2002. New Hope believes that mining and agriculture can exist together.

What does New Hope Group do in Australia?

About new hope group An Australian owned and operated company, supporting local communities for almost 60 years. New Hopehas operations spanning coal mining, exploration, port operation, oil, agriculture, innovative technologies and investment.

Where is New Hope Mine in New South Wales?

New Hope believes that mining and agriculture can exist together. Progressive rehabilitation is a core part of the detailed Environmental Management Plan. Bengalla Mining Company, located four kilometres south west of Muswellbrook in the Hunter Valley region of New South Wales, supplies international markets with thermal coal.

What kind of church is New Hope Brisbane?

New Hope Brisbane is a church focused on giving hope and a future through evangelism, discipleship, community outreach and building family. If you’re interested in God, but not ‘religion,’ you’ve come to the right place.