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Who is the No 1 Prime Minister of India?


No. Name Length of term
Longest continuous term
1 Jawaharlal Nehru 17 years, 286 days
2 Indira Gandhi 15 years, 59 days
3 Manmohan Singh 10 years, 4 days

Who was PM before Modi?

Prime ministers

Name (birth–death); constituency Party (Alliance)
(10) Atal Bihari Vajpayee (1924–2018) MP for Lucknow Bharatiya Janata Party (NDA)
14 Manmohan Singh (born 1932) MP (Rajya Sabha) for Assam Indian National Congress (UPA)
15 Narendra Damodardas Modi (born 1950) MP for Varanasi Bharatiya Janata Party (NDA)

How many presidents are alive in India?

The 12th president, Pratibha Patil, is the first woman to hold the office, elected in 2007. On 25 July 2017, Ram Nath Kovind took office as the 14th president of India.

Who is best prime minister?

In December 1999 a BBC Radio 4 poll of 20 prominent historians, politicians and commentators for The Westminster Hour produced the verdict that Churchill was the best British prime minister of the 20th century, with Lloyd George in second place and Clement Attlee in third place.

Who is the most famous leader?

Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

  • Martin Luther King Jr (1929-1968)
  • Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)
  • Mother Teresa (1910-1997)
  • Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)
  • George Washington (1732- 1799)
  • Dalai Lama (1935-present)
  • Julias Caesar (100B. C. -44B. C.)
  • Who is the current Prime Minister of India?

    Since that election, Modi has been leading the NDA government as the Prime Minister. It’s for the second time that people have elected the NDA government with Prime Minister Narendra Modi in power. BJP’s remarkable performance since its comeback in 2014 is a clear reflection of people appreciating their work.

    Who is the Prime Minister of India in 2024?

    For this reason, Narendra Modi will again become Prime Minister in 2024. Now it depends on you who you would like to make your country Prime Minister this time because there are many people in our country who want to make Rahul Gandhi ji the Prime Minister, or Akhilesh Yadav ji is the Prime Minister of India.

    Who was the first astrologer to predict Modi as Prime Minister?

    There are so many people who are jealous of him. Modi needs to watch out during 2024,” said Poduval. Poduval was the first astrologer in Asia who had predicted that Modi will become the prime minister. “I had predicted it even before he was declared the prime ministerial candidate of the BJP for the 2014 general elections.

    When does Modi come back to power in India?

    Namboodiripad said Modi will come back to power in 2019. “His horoscope indicates that he will become the prime minister in 2019. But the seats the BJP will get will be a tad less this time. Modi should offer prayers to female deities more than male deities as it will help him cross hurdles.”