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Who is the founder of the WikiLeaks website?

WikiLeaks. Its website, initiated in 2006 in Iceland by the organisation Sunshine Press, claims a database of 10 million documents in 10 years since its launch. Julian Assange, an Australian Internet activist, is generally described as its founder and director. Kristinn Hrafnsson is its editor-in-chief.

What did the International Federation of Journalists call WikiLeaks?

In a 2013 resolution, the International Federation of Journalists, a trade union of journalists, called WikiLeaks a “new breed of media organisation” that “offers important opportunities for media organisations”.

Why was WikiLeaks dropped from EveryDNS service?

WikiLeaks used EveryDNS, but was dropped by the company after distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks against WikiLeaks hurt the quality of service for its other customers. Supporters of WikiLeaks waged verbal and DDoS attacks on EveryDNS.

When did the WikiLeaks donation account get suspended?

On 22 January 2010, the Internet payment intermediary PayPal suspended WikiLeaks’ donation account and froze its assets. WikiLeaks said that this had happened before, and was done for “no obvious reason”. The account was restored on 25 January 2010.

Why does tweaknow RegCleaner Clean Your Windows Registry?

To keep your computer in top performance, it is recommended to periodically clean your Windows registry. Why using TweakNow RegCleaner? Fast : using a high performance engine, TweakNow RegCleaner quickly scan your registry to find obsolete entries.

Which is the most accurate RegCleaner for registry?

Accurate : using complex algorithm TweakNow RegCleaner 2011 accurately identify obsolete entries. Secure: TweakNow >RegCleaner automatically create backup file before deleting obsolete entries from your registry.

How did Julian Assange come up with the idea of WikiLeaks?

He was inspired to create WikiLeaks by Daniel Ellsberg ’s 1971 release of the Pentagon Papers. Observing that two years had elapsed between Ellsberg’s obtaining the Pentagon Papers and their publication in The New York Times, Assange sought to streamline the whistle-blowing process.