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Who is Mr kraler to Anne Frank?

Victor Kugler (5 June 1900 – 14 December 1981) was one of the people who helped hide Anne Frank and her family and friends during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. In Anne Frank’s posthumously published diary, The Diary of a Young Girl, he was referred to under the name Mr. Kraler.

What kind of person is Mr kraler?

Mr. Kraler: A businessman who works with Miep to help protect the people in hiding, Mr. Kraler risks his life to help his friends.

What does the comment by Mr kraler reveal about Mr Frank?

Kraler reveal about Mr. Frank? “I never thought I’d live to see the day when a man like Mr. Frank would have to go into hiding” (767).

Where was Mr kraler born?

Vrchlabí, Czechia
Victor Kugler/Place of birth

Why did Mr kraler go to the hospital?

Kraler bring that is very concerning for the residents of the secret annex? The people who sold the ration books to them was arrested, and Mr. Kraler is in the hospital.

What happened to the man that hid Anne Frank?

On January 11, 2010, Miep Gies, the last survivor of a small group of people who helped hide a Jewish girl, Anne Frank, and her family from the Nazis during World War II, dies at age 100 in the Netherlands.

How is Mr Van Daan selfish?

Mr. Van Daan’s selfishness is evident at the beginning of the play, and it continues to grow until he actually begins stealing food from the Annex storage bin. He sells his wife’s favorite fur coat in order to buy himself cigarettes and is completely harsh and uncaring toward Peter, his son.

What kind of man is Mr. Dussel?

What kind of man is Mr. Dussel? a man in his late fifties, meticulous, finicky . . . bewildered now.

What about Mrs Van Daan bothers Anne?

Anne tires of Mrs. van Daan’s incessant complaints and is annoyed that Mr. Anne writes that both Christians and Jews want the war to end, and she believes that her family is better off than people outside the annex.

Why has Mr Frank returned to the secret annex?

In Scene 1, why has Otto Frank returned to the Secret Annex? What does he receive from Miep Gies? He went back to the annex to say goodbye and Miep gives him Annes journal.

What happened to Mr. Kraler in Anne Frank?

In the world-famous diary published after her death, 13-year-old Anne Frank referred to Kugler as “Mr. Kraler.” He was eventually arrested by the Gestapo and sent to forced labor in eastern Holland. In 1955, he relocated to Canada, where he died at the age of 81.

What is Mr. Kraler attitude towards his illness?

Kraler’s attitude toward his illness? How do we know? They can’t find a doctor, he makes jokes about it, and he doesn’t care. Why does Mr.

Why was mr.kraler important to the Jewish community?

When Jews were no longer allowed to own business enterprises, Mr. Kraler took over those run by Mr. Frank and Mr. Van Daan. This alone involved a certain amount of risk, as under the Nazi regime even the fact that they had formerly been Jewish-owned made them liable to be confiscated.

How did Mr.Frank and mr.kraler meet?

He was an Austrian by birth, fought in the Imperial Navy during World War I, and he moved to Holland afterward. He was a business associate of Mr. Frank, whom he met in Amsterdam in 1933. When Jews were no longer allowed to own business enterprises, Mr. Kraler took over those run by Mr. Frank and Mr. Van Daan.

Who was mr.kraler in Travis and co?

Character Analysis Mr. Kraler. After Mr. Van Daan’s withdrawal from his firm, Mr. Kraler took over the management of dealings between Travis, Inc. and the affiliated firm of Kohlen and Co. He was an Austrian by birth, fought in the Imperial Navy during World War I, and he moved to Holland afterward.

Where did mr.kraler go to labor camp?

Kraler, like Mr. Koophuis, did not attempt to defend himself; he remained silent, and the officials obviously did not think it worthwhile to force them to talk. Mr. Kraler was sent to a camp near Amersfort in Holland, and from there to a forced-labor camp in Zwolle.