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Who are drawer drawee and payee of a negotiable instrument?

Maker/drawer: the person who makes or executes the note promising to pay the amount stated therein. Drawee: The person directed to pay the money by the drawer. The drawee is the paying bank in case of cheque. Payee: Payee is the person whose name is written on the promissory note or bill of exchange or cheque.

Who is drawer drawee and payee?

Drawee is a legal and banking term used to describe the party that has been directed by the depositor to pay a certain sum of money to the person presenting the check or draft. The bank that cashes your check is the drawee, your employer who wrote the check is the drawer, and you are the payee.

What is drawee and acceptor?

Drawee This is the person on whom the bill is drawn. 3. Acceptor This is the person who accepts the bill. Payee This is the person to whom the money stated in the bill is payable. He may be the drawer or any other person to whom the bill has been endorsed.

What is drawer in law?

A drawer directs a person or entity to pay the amount stated in an instrument, such as, a person who writes a check and the maker of a note or draft. Drawer is the one who makes a bill of exchange.

Who are the drawer of a negotiable instrument discuss?

The person who draws the bill is called the drawer. He gives the order to pay money to the third party. The party upon whom the bill is drawn is called the drawee. He is the person to whom the bill is addressed and who is ordered to pay.

What is acceptor in negotiable instrument?

Acceptor means a person or entity that accepts a negotiable instrument and agrees to be primarily responsible for its payment or performance. There cannot be two separate acceptors of a bill of exchange. The acceptor of a bill is the principal debtor.

Which is negotiable instrument?

A negotiable instrument is a signed document that promises a sum of payment to a specified person or the assignee. Common examples of negotiable instruments include checks, money orders, and promissory notes.

What are types of negotiable instruments?

Most Common Types of Negotiable Instruments are;

  • Promissory notes.
  • Bill of exchange.
  • Check.
  • Government promissory notes.
  • Delivery orders.
  • Customs Receipts.

What is use of drawer?

Navigation drawers provide access to destinations and app functionality, such as switching accounts. They can either be permanently on-screen or controlled by a navigation menu icon. Navigation drawers are recommended for: Apps with five or more top-level destinations.