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Which Pope had a child with his daughter?

Pope Alexander VI
Alexander is considered one of the most controversial of the Renaissance popes, partly because he acknowledged fathering several children by his mistresses….

Pope Alexander VI
Children Pier Luigi Giovanni Cesare Lucrezia Gioffre

Did Pope Alexander sleep with Vi daughter?

In fact, the infamous ‘Chestnut Orgy’ took place more than 500 years ago. And the old man licking his lips at the antics of the call-girls was none other than the Pope himself, Alexander VI, formerly known as Rodrigo Borgia.

Was there a Borgia pope?

The Borgias, also known as the Borjas, were a European papal family of Spanish origin that became prominent during the Renaissance. Pope Alexander VI (born Rodrigo Lanzol Borgia; 1431–1503) – served as pope from 11 August 1492 until his death on 18 August 1503; his maternal uncle was Pope Callixtus III.

Who was the second Pope of the Borgia?

Alexander VI was not the only Borgia to become pope. In fact, he was the second of three Borgias to lead the Catholic Church. His uncle was Pope Callixtus III, who assisted Alexander in his rise to power. Then, more than 150 years after Alexander’s ascension to Pope, his great-great-great-grandson would be elected Pope Innocent X.

What did Alexander VI do with Cesare Borgia?

Alexander VI staked the hopes of the Borgia family on Cesare’s brother Giovanni, who was made captain general of the military forces of the papacy.

When did Leonardo da Vinci work with Cesare Borgia?

Borgia and Leonardo Cesare Borgia briefly employed Leonardo da Vinci as military architect and engineer between 1502 and 1503. Cesare provided Leonardo with an unlimited pass to inspect and direct all ongoing and planned construction in his domain. While in Romagna, Leonardo built the canal from Cesena to the Porto Cesenatico.

Who was the son of Pope Alexander VI?

Pope Alexander VI & Son Cesare Borgia the Face as Jesus Christ… Cesare Borgia born 13 September 1475 or April 1476 – 12 March 1507),Duke of Valentinois, was an Italian, nobleman, politician, and cardinal. He was the son of Rodrigo Borgia, who later became Pope Alexander VIand his long-term mistress Vannozza dei Cattanei.