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Where is a 666 area code?

Six relief area codes (622, 633, 644, 655, 677 and 688) are reserved by NANPA as subject to assignment in Canada for expansion of non-geographic services but have never been used. Area code 666 is not assigned.

What is the UK caller code?

Step 2 – Dial the Country Code (44) Secondly, enter the UK country code: 44. Entering the country code will allow you to get through to any UK-based phone number.

Which country has +99 code?

International Dialing Code

Serial No. Country Name Dialing Codes
98 IRAN 98
99 IRAQ 964
100 IRELAND 353
101 ISRAEL 972

What area code is 676?

Telephone numbers in Tonga

Country Tonga
Continent Oceania
Typical format +676 yy xxx
Access codes

What country code is 70?

Calls to mobile phones in some countries may have an additional per-minute rate that will vary depending on the country….International mobile dial codes.

Country/U.S. Territories Country code Mobile dial codes (effective 8/2/2019)
Afghanistan 93 70-72, 77-79
Albania 355 66-69
Algeria 213 5-6, 77-79, 9619

What is the dialling code for the UK?

A full UK phone number, or just an area code or other dialling code. Telephone numbers and dialling codes must start with an ‘0’. E.g. 01632 960008 An access/short code, which starts with ‘1’. E.g. 100 An exchange name, optionally followed by a local phone number or dialling code on…

Which is the dialling code for a city?

The areas are generally cities and large towns, rather than local government areas. The codes all start with 01 or 02 – phone numbers that start with anything else are not linked to an area. dialling codes for postcodes. To find out the costs of calling these and other numbers, see our call costs guide.

What do the numbers start with in the UK?

A full UK phone number, or just an area code or other dialling code. Telephone numbers and dialling codes must start with an ‘0’. E.g. 01632 960008 An access/short code, which starts with ‘1’.

What do you need to know about the UK telephone code locator?

The UK Telephone Code Locator takes telephone numbers, std codes, area codes, access/short codes, exchange names or the name of a location. Details returned may include: information about where the area is, map location, BT charge information and nearby exchange names. Type in any of the following: