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Where can I find my navy SRB?

That’s why Sailors wanting to cash in need to closely monitor the current SRB eligibility list, available on the Navy Personnel Command’s website’s SRB page, fount at

How long does it take to receive Navy SRB?

The initial payment of your Selective Re-enlistment Bonus (SRB) should take no longer than 30 days from the date of re-enlistment. If, after 30 days, you have not received your payment, you should contact your servicing finance officer, career planner, or admin or personnel office.

How do I cancel my Navy SRB?

Cancellation is request via email of phone call to the SRB Desk.

How often is SRB updated Navy?

twice a year
While one can expect to see the SRB levels updated at least twice a year, for the very latest message concerning Selective Reenlistment Bonuses, check the Navy NAVADMIN Messages. The information used in this article comes from NAVADMIN 106/15, released 01 May 2015.

What is Navy SRB?

The selective reenlistment bonus (SRB) program is a cash incentive paid to enlisted members to encourage reenlistments and retention in critical military skills to sustain the career force in those skills.

How do you read a Navy SRB?

Navy SRB Guidance, December 2019 The Navy’s Selective Reenlistment Bonus is calculated by multiplying your basic pay (times) number of SRB eligible months reenlisting for (divided by 12) then multiplied by the SRB award level for your zone.

How is SRB paid out?

The bonus is usually paid in a lump sum or 50% paid at the time of reenlistment. The remaining bonus amount is paid in equal annual installments. It is taxable, however if you reeenlist in a tax-free combat zone or are a foreign national who reenlists OCONUS it is not taxable, and the installments are also tax-free.

How much are SRBS taxed?

You will also have taxes automatically withheld from your bonus, generally at the 25% or 28% rate. This is automatically done by the government, and not something you can change.

What type of pay is Srb?

The Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB), sometimes called the Selective Retention Bonus, is a cash incentive paid to enlisted members to encourage reenlistments and retention in critical military skills.

How much does the navy tax on SRB?

How are SRBS paid?

The Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB), sometimes called the Selective Retention Bonus, is a cash incentive paid to enlisted members to encourage reenlistments and retention in critical military skills. The bonus is usually paid in a lump sum or 50% paid at the time of reenlistment.

How does an SRB work?

How to apply for SRB in the Navy?

SRB Submission in NSIPS Fill in applicable comments in the “Commanding Officer Remarks” field Select “Ok” and the request will then indicate “Saved” The screen indicating “Saved” communicates to you that the request has been properly submitted That submission will then route the request directly to BUPERS-328 for pre-screening

How to change a request for SRB cancellation?

Changing an SRB Request Any change to a request must originate from the CCC This will require the CCC to first request SRB cancellation of the previous request Once the previous request is cancelled by the SRB Desk, a new request can be initiated by the CCC Changes cannot be made retroactively

How to request services from Navy 311 help desk?

Request services from NAVY 311, including software, hardware, location changes, mailbox and name changes. Email all forms to [email protected].  Service Request Form Instructions – Revised 4/4/2016. Email all forms to [email protected]. Please remember to include all your pertinent employee information.

Where do I contact for Navy selective reenlistment bonus?

For execution matters such as missing payments, contact your local PSD or MyNavy Career Center (email at [email protected]​ or visit online​). SELECTIVE REENLISTMENT BONUS (SRB) PROGRAM