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When mirrors are parallel to each other?

A Pair of Parallel Mirrors When the two mirrors are aligned at a 0-degree angle with each other (i.e., a parallel mirror system), there is an infinite number of images. Each image is the result of an image of an image, or an image of an image of an image or an image of an image of .

When two plane mirrors are placed parallel and facing each other?

When two plane mirrors are placed parallel and facing each other and an object is kept in between them, we get infinite images.

How are two mirrors placed in a periscope?

In simple periscope, two mirrors are placed at an angle 45 degrees. Parallel rays fom distant object fall on first mirror and gets reflected at same angle and they are made to incident second mirror and again parallel rays are reflected to our eyes by which we can see.

Why does a periscope require two mirrors for its functioning?

The periscope makes use of two plane mirrors to see over the top of things. A periscope works on the reflection of light from two plane mirrors arranged parallel to one another.

When two mirrors are placed parallel to each other and one object is placed between them an infinite number of images of the object are formed?

Solution: Infinite images are formed when two plane mirrors are placed parallel to each other, irrespective of the distance.

When two mirrors are placed in front of each other and an object is placed between them number of images formed is?

Thus, we can see an infinite number of images of the object placed between the two parallel mirrors.

When the mirrors are placed parallel to each other the image formed becomes?

When two mirrors are placed parallel to each other, infinite images are formed.

How many images are formed when mirrors are kept parallel to each other?

Infinite images
Solution: Infinite images are formed when two plane mirrors are placed parallel to each other, irrespective of the distance.

How are the two plane mirrors in a periscope arranged a with respect to one another B with respect to sides of the tube?

Textbook solution The two plane mirrors in a periscope arranged with respect to one another at an angle of 45 degrees with respect to the sides of the tubes as, the angle of inclination easily helps the propagation of light rays through the inner gap of the periscope, hindering reflections on any wrong part.

What is periscope mirror?

A periscope is an optical instrument that uses a system of prisms, lenses or mirrors to reflect images through a tube. At the bottom of the periscope, the light strikes another mirror and is then reflected into the viewer’s eye.

Why in a periscope though two plane mirrors are placed facing each other even then we do not receive multiple images?

Answer : In a periscope, two mirrors are placed at an angle of 45 degrees and at the maximum distance. Due to maximum distance between the mirrors, multiple images do not form and light from the object strike the first mirror and its image is formed. Therefore, the mirrors are kept parallel to each other.

When an object is placed between 2 parallel plane mirrors its images formed will be?

When an object is placed between two plane parallel mirrors, then the image of the object will be formed in both the mirrors on both sides of the object. These images will then act as objects for the opposite mirrors and form another image.