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When is Glossopharyngeal breathing used?

Glossopharyngeal breathing can sustain ventilation for several hours in patients who are fully ventilator-dependent. It can also be used to improve voice and cough efficacy. Competitive free divers use this technique to increase lung volumes and breath-holding time.

What is Glossopharyngeal breathing exercise?

Glossopharyngeal breathing (GPB) is a ‘trick’ method of breathing to help you take bigger breaths than you can take usually. You take gulps of air into your lungs using your lips, tongue and throat. This gulping action looks like a frog gulping, and so GPB is often known as ‘Frog Breathing’.

How is Glossopharyngeal breathing measured?

When correct, the patient will feel his chest filling with air, and the physiotherapist can test the ‘GPB vital capacity’ by putting a mouthpiece attached to the expiratory limb of a Wright’s respirometer in the patient’s mouth before he exhales.

What is the best breathing method?

The most efficient way to breathe is by bringing the air down toward the belly. As the diaphragm contracts, the belly expands to fill the lungs with air. “Belly breathing” is efficient because it pulls the lungs downward, creating negative pressure inside the chest. This brings air into the lungs.

Is glossopharyngeal neuralgia life threatening?

Glossopharyngeal neuralgia is life-threatening condition because it is associated with cardiac arrest, hypotension, syncope and weight loss. Treatment with carbamazepine is affected in patients with cardiovascular manifestations.

Can acid reflux cause glossopharyngeal neuralgia?

Irritation of the respiratory epithelium by gastric acid stimulates the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves, producing ear pain. Throat cancer could be responsible for secondary glossopharyngeal neuralgia, but could also induce referred ear pain by irritation of the superior laryngeal branch of the vagus nerve.

How does glossopharyngeal breathing work in the body?

Glossopharyngeal breathing is a form of positive pressure ventilation produced by the patient’s voluntary muscles where boluses of air are forced into the lungs.

When to use glossopharyngeal breathing in poliomyelitgic patients?

Glossopharyngeal breathing (GPB) is a technique useful in patients with a reduced vital capacity owing to respiratory muscle paralysis, for example following poliomyelitis or in tetraplegic.

How is glossopharyngeal breathing used in amphibians?

Glossopharyngeal breathing is a form of positive pressure breathing technique that can be used to assist failing respiratory muscles. As an analogy to positive pressure breathing used by amphibians, it is called frog breathing.

Why is GPB referred to as frog breathing?

It was this gulping action that gave the technique the name ‘frog breathing’. Patients with a reduced vital capacity owing to respiratory muscle paralysis. Paralysed patients dependent on a mechanical ventilator may be able to use GPB continuously, other than during sleep, to substitute the mechanical ventilation.