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What zip code is 49504?

ZIP Code 49504

Post Office City: Grand Rapids, MI (View All Cities)
County: Kent County
Timezone: Eastern (1:08pm)
Area code: 616 (Area Code Map)
Coordinates: 42.98, -85.71 ZIP (~3 mile radius)

Where is the zip code 49525?

Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
Plainfield charter Township, Michigan, United StatesGrand Rapids charter Township, Michigan, United StatesForest Hills, Michigan, United States

What is the area code in Grand Rapids Michigan?

Area code 616
Grand Rapids/Area codes

How many zip codes are in Grand Rapids MI?

66 Zip Codes
Grand Rapids-Wyoming Metro Area, Michigan: 66 Zip Codes.

What county is ZIP code 49534 in?

ZIP Code 49534

Post Office City: Grand Rapids, MI (View All Cities)
County: Kent County
Timezone: Eastern (2:23am)
Area code: 616 (Area Code Map)
Coordinates: 42.97, -85.79 ZIP (~6 mile radius)

What is the zip code for Walker Michigan?

Walker/Zip codes

What is downtown Grand Rapids zip code?

Heartside-Downtown Grand Rapids Boundary Map

Neighborhood Name Heartside-Downtown Grand Rapids
City Grand Rapids
County Kent
Zip Code 49503
Area Code 616

What area is area code 616?

Grand Rapids
The 616 area code includes cities such as Grand Rapids and Holland.

Where is 49534 located?

Grand Rapids

What is the ZIP code for Grand Rapids MI?

Using any city in the list of unacceptable cities may result in delays. ZIP code 49503 is located in central Michigan and covers a slightly less than average land area compared to other ZIP codes in the United States. It also has a large population density. The people living in ZIP code 49503 are primarily white.

Where is 49548 in Grand Rapids, MI?

ZIP code 49548 is located in southern Michigan and covers a slightly less than average land area compared to other ZIP codes in the United States.

What is the ZIP code for Southern Michigan?

ZIP code 49503 is located in southern Michigan and covers a slightly less than average land area compared to other ZIP codes in the United States. It also has a large population density.

Who are the people in ZIP code 49503?

The people living in ZIP code 49503 are primarily white. The number of people in their late 20s to early 40s is extremely large while the number of young adults is extremely large.