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What were your earliest symptoms of MS?

Common early signs of multiple sclerosis (MS) include:

  • vision problems.
  • tingling and numbness.
  • pains and spasms.
  • weakness or fatigue.
  • balance problems or dizziness.
  • bladder issues.
  • sexual dysfunction.
  • cognitive problems.

What does MS neuropathy feel like?

Neuropathic pain happens from “short circuiting” of the nerves that carry signals from the brain to the body because of damage from MS. These pain sensations feel like burning, stabbing, sharp and squeezing sensations.

What’s the average lifespan of someone with MS?

Average life span of 25 to 35 years after the diagnosis of MS is made are often stated. Some of the most common causes of death in MS patients are secondary complications resulting from immobility, chronic urinary tract infections, compromised swallowing and breathing.

What are the symptoms of multiple sclerosis ( MS )?

Multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis. In multiple sclerosis, the protective coating on nerve fibers (myelin) is damaged and may eventually be destroyed. Depending on where the nerve damage occurs, MS can affect vision, sensation, coordination, movement, and bladder and bowel control. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a potentially disabling disease

Why do I feel tired when I have multiple sclerosis?

Sometimes, the cause of fatigue relates to another symptom of MS. For example, people with bladder dysfunction may sleep poorly because they have to wake throughout the night to go to the bathroom. People with MS who have nocturnal muscle spasms may not sleep well, leaving them feeling tired during the day.

Do you feel lightheaded and queasy with MS?

If you have vertigo, you may feel like you — or the area around you — is spinning. It can throw off your balance way more than just dizziness. You might also feel lightheaded or queasy from the sense of motion. It happens to about 1 in 5 people with MS.

How does MS affect the central nervous system?

The serious disease affects the central nervous system, disrupting communication between the brain and other parts of the body. However, MS affects each person differently and can range from mild to severe. That’s why the diagnosis is often difficult to pin down.