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What version of yum package do I have?

You can find the version number of a package in your repositories with the yum info command.

How do I check if a package is available in Linux?

To check if a specific package is installed on Debian based Linux distributions, you can use the dpkg command followed by the -s (status) flag and the package name. The command below shows an example of dpkg, used to check the status of the package Steam.

How do I check if an rpm is available?

To query the available packages, you can do urpmq –sources YOURPACKAGE This is Mandriva-specific (I only know Mandriva). If you want to know the version of an installed package : rpm -q YOURPACKAGE This works on all RPM systems.

How do I check if a package is available in Ubuntu?

Open the terminal application or log in to the remote server using ssh (e.g. ssh user@sever-name ) Run command apt list –installed to list all installed packages on Ubuntu. To display a list of packages satisfying certain criteria such as show matching apache2 packages, run apt list apache.

What is the difference between rpm and yum?

Yum is a package manager and rpms are the actual packages. With yum you can add or remove software. The software itself comes within a rpm. The package manager allows you to install the software from hosted repositories and it will usually install dependencies as well.

How do I find my yum repo list?

Run command yum repolist and it will show you all repositories configured under YUM and enabled for use on that server. To view, disabled repositories or all repositories refer below section in this article. In the above output, you can see the repo list with repo id, repo name, and status.

How do I install a specific version of a package?

Use npm list [package-name] to know the specific latest version of an installed package. Use npm install [package-name]@[version-number] to install an older version of a package. Prefix a version number with a caret (^) or a tilde (~) to specify to install the latest minor or patch version, respectively.

Can you list all versions of a package in Yum?

You can now use yum to list available versions of all packages. It is important to remember that even with this flag, YUM will still only show packages that are available in the configured repositories. This means that you may have to install or enable the repository first.

How to get a list of YUM repositories?

YUM list repositories 1 To use yum it is mandatory that your repositories are properly configured. 2 You can use yum repolist to list the available repositories 3 You should get a valid list or repositories available and enabled from this command:

How does Yum work as a package manager?

Thus, you can think of yum as a bootstrap for RPM package manager. Like popular package managers, Yum works via repositories that contain collections of tools in rpm format. For this quick one, we will discuss the basics of yum and show available packages on a system using yum as a package manager.

What kind of tool is Yum for RPM?

Yellowdog Updater Modified or Yum for short is a package management tool for RPM packages. It is popular in the REHL family of Linux distributions, including CentOS and Fedora. Thus, you can think of yum as a bootstrap for RPM package manager. Like popular package managers, Yum works via repositories that contain collections of tools in rpm format.