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What time does the Boy Scout store close today?

New Store Hours of Operation: Friday – 10:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Saturday – 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

What qualifies as BSA service hours?

You can see the full Boy Scout service hour requirements below, but here are the basics: Scouts must complete one hour of service for Tenderfoot, two hours for Second Class and three hours for First Class. The total hours for Star and Life remain the same — six hours each.

Who is the youngest person to make Eagle Scout?

A boy from Ventura, California is the youngest to become an Eagle Scout at just 11 years old. Kaylan Ouerbacker, a Scout in Troop 813, was named Eagle Scout at Bible Fellowship Church this week despite completing all the requirements last year. He was also honored at a ceremony in Ventura Hall on Monday evening.

Where do webelo pins go?

Webelos pins are worn on an item called Webelos Colors on the right sleeve of the tan uniform shirt or they may be placed on the Webelos hat.

Where is the Scout Shop in San Diego?

The San Diego Scout Shop is located adjacent to the Council headquarters in Balboa Park. Come visit and browse through our exciting new items! You’ll find a great assortment of all the standard uniforms, supplies, badges, awards, books and many other items to fulfill your Scouting needs.

When was the Boy Scouts of America founded?

The BSA was founded in 1910, and since then, about 110 million Americans have participated in BSA programs. To earn the EPA award, you can download the application here. Completed applications should be submitted to the local Scout Shop to receive the commemorative patch.

Do you pay sales tax on Cub Scout supplies?

Shopping with us helps fund quality programs for the 14,000 youth of Three Fires Council. We don’t charge sales tax and you’ll save up to 10.25%. We have all the Official BSA supplies you need to outfit your Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Venturer and Explorer.

Which is the largest Scouting organization in the United States?

The Boy Scouts of America is the largest Scouting organization and one of the largest youth organizations in the United States, with about 2.1 million youth participants and about 1 million adult volunteers. The BSA was founded in 1910, and since then, about 110 million Americans have participated in BSA programs.