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What is Yemeni khat?

In Yemen, khat is the national plant and daily habit. Unfortunately, its consequences are extremely negative. Chewing the leaves of the evergreen shrub releases an amphetamine-like stimulant. Though it’s considered highly addictive, there is virtually no research on how it affects brain function.

Does khat make you high?

Cathinone and cathine are the stimulants in khat that make a person feel high. In the brain, khat increases the level of dopamine, the neurotransmitter which makes you feel good. It also stimulates the release of the stress hormone norepinephrine, which makes you more alert—almost hyper.

What drug is khat similar to?

Both cathinone and cathine are central nervous system (CNS) stimulants, but have a lower potency than amphetamine. Khat consumption leads to effects that are qualitatively similar to those of amphetamine, i.e. increased blood pressure, a state of euphoria and elation with feelings of increased alertness and arousal.

What do men in Yemen have in their mouths?

As much as 90% of men and 1 in 4 women in Yemen are estimated to chew the leaves, storing a wad in one cheek as the khat slowly breaks down into the saliva and enters the bloodstream. For its many devotees, khat is a social lubricant on a par with coffee or alcohol in the West.

Why do Yemen men have swollen cheeks?

The leaves of qat, a tropical evergreen plant, are used as a stimulant. Yemenis grow it, and chew it, mostly in the afternoon, gathered with friends and family. Every day since, the protesters have brought their qat and chewed it while protesting. They say it gives them energy to carry on, shouting with bulging cheeks.

Is khat legal in Yemen?

Khat is legal in Yemen. However, cultivation of the crop and the selling of its leaves are governed by a series of regulations. In 2007, the Yemeni government passed a law that restricted the cultivation of khat in a number of agricultural flatlands and basins with high water stress.

Is khat illegal in America?

Is khat illegal? There is no licit use for khat in the United States. Khat contains two central nervous system stimulants: cathinone–a Schedule I drug1 under the Federal Controlled Substances Act–and cathine–a Schedule IV drug. Cathinone is the principal active stimulant; its levels are highest in fresh khat.

Is khat a Class C drug?

The Government has decided to make khat an illegal Class C drug. The ban on khat will come into effect on 24 June. Why is khat being banned? Khat contains natural ingredients which are already controlled drugs both in the UK and internationally because they are harmful.

What are the men in Yemen chewing?

Khat is popular in many countries of the Arabian peninsula and the Horn of Africa, but in Yemen it’s a full-blown national addiction. As much as 90% of men and 1 in 4 women in Yemen are estimated to chew the leaves, storing a wad in one cheek as the khat slowly breaks down into the saliva and enters the bloodstream.