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What is virology laboratory?

What is a virology lab? Virology is the study of viruses. Specific areas of study include looking at the genetics and disease-producing properties of a virus, the different species of viruses, and how the biology of a virus is affected by vaccines, treatments and/or drugs.

How many BSL-4 labs are there in the UK?

seven BSL-4 laboratories
Of the seven BSL-4 laboratories operating in Europe, four use protective suits and three use glove boxes. All are national reference centres funded by their respective National Health Authorities, and were built in compliance with national registration schemes and international guidelines.

What is a Biosafety Level 3 laboratory?

Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3)​ BSL-3 laboratories are used to study infectious agents or toxins that may be transmitted through the air and cause potentially lethal infections. Researchers perform all experiments in a biosafety cabinet. BSL-3 laboratories are designed to be easily decontaminated.

Can virologist treat patients?

Virologists may be medical doctors or researchers. Some are engaged in direct patient care, working alongside other health care professionals to treat those with persistent viral infections.

Which countries have BSL 4 labs?

Only 40% of countries with BSL4 labs are members of the forum: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Singapore, Switzerland, UK and the US.

What is the difference between virologist and epidemiologist?

His research focused primarily on the transmission of viruses closely related to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) between nonhuman primates and bushmeat hunters in Africa.

How are work instructions recorded in a virology laboratory?

In some clinical virology laboratories, having separate work instructions means that they can be held directly within the laboratory for easy access and reference where the activity is taking place. The inputs and outputs of a procedure or specific work instruction are recorded within a Standard Operation Record (SOR).

Do you have to be accredited for a virology laboratory?

In many countries, clinical virology laboratories and the testing services they provide are required to be accredited and in some regions accreditation is a pre-requisite to regional reimbursement policy.

Which is the international standard for Clinical Virology?

Increasingly, clinical virology laboratories are gaining accreditation to the Internationally recognized standard ISO15189 which was developed specifically for the medical laboratories involved in laboratory testing and examination, although in some country’s laboratories are accredited to the national regulatory framework.

What kind of protective equipment do you wear in a lab?

Normal laboratory personal protective equipment is generally worn, consisting of eye protection, gloves and a lab coat or gown. Biohazard signs are posted and access to the lab is limited whenever infectious agents are present.