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What is Uncovertebral spurring of the spine?

An uncovertebral joint, also called Luschka’s joint, is located on each side of the four cervical discs between levels C3 and C7 in the spine. Uncovertebral joints are a common location for spinal degeneration and bone spur growth.

What is degenerative spurring of the thoracic spine?

When a disc degenerates, painful bone-on-bone rubbing may occur. Abnormal bone growths, called bone spurs or osteophytes, can form in the joint, impinge on the spinal cord, and limit the mobility of the thoracic spine. The bone spurs may also cause pain and swelling.

What does Uncovertebral degeneration mean?

Uncovertebral arthrosis is osteoarthritic changes seen at the uncinate process of the cervical spine. It is a common site of arthrosis regularly observed at the lower cervical vertebrae.

How are thoracic bone spurs treated?

Nonsurgical treatments include:

  1. Medications. Medication, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) and muscle relaxants may be recommended.
  2. Short periods of rest.
  3. Physical therapy and exercise.
  4. Spinal manipulation.
  5. Weight loss.
  6. Injections.
  7. Bone spur removal.
  8. Laminectomy.

What is degenerative spurring?

Osteophytes, or spurs, form on the spine, and are signs of degeneration in the spine. This is commonly referred to as arthritis. Osteophytes usually limit joint movement and typically cause pain. In most cases, the spurs are not the source of back pain, but instead are the common symptom of a deeper problem.

How is degenerative thoracic disc disease treated?

Treatment. In most patients, thoracic disc degeneration is treated non-surgically. Non-impact aerobic exercise (walking, bicycling), back and core strengthening are typically recommended with a physical therapist.

Is Uncovertebral hypertrophy arthritis?

Facet Hypertrophy: This indicates an enlargement of the facet joints, or a swelling of the joints which may be indicative of chronic inflammation and underlying diseases like arthritis. Uncovertebral Hypertrophy: These are joints located in your cervical spine adjacent to each vertebrae.