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What is Trachytic texture?

Trachytic is a texture of extrusive rocks in which the groundmass contains little volcanic glass and consists predominantly of minute tabular crystals, namely, sanidine microlites. The microlites are parallel, forming flow lines along the directions of lava flow and around inclusions.

What texture is basalt?

Porphyritic Basalt

Type Igneous Rock
Texture Porphyritic
Origin Extrusive/Volcanic
Chemical Composition Mafic
Color Dark Gray to Black

How is Trachytic texture formed?

Trachytic Texture Trachytic is an extruded rock texture composed of small tabular crystals consisting of micoid microliths, in which the mass of the soil contains a small amount of volcanic glass. The microliths are parallel, creating flow lines around the lava flow direction and flows.

How deep is Dunite formed?

about 400 km
Dunite and other peridotite rocks are considered the major constituents of the Earth’s mantle above a depth of about 400 km (250 mi).

What is the texture of peridotite?

Texture. Phaneritic (Coarse-grained) Origin. Intrusive/Plutonic. Chemical Composition.

What is the texture and composition of basalt?

Basalt is rich in iron and magnesium and is mainly composed of olivine, pyroxene, and plagioclase. Most specimens are compact, fine-grained, and glassy. They can also be porphyritic, with phenocrysts of olivine, augite, or plagioclase. Holes left by gas bubbles can give basalt a coarsely porous texture.

Is Trachyte a mineral a rock or neither?

Trachyte is an extrusive rock, belonging to the alkali series of intermediate volcanic rocks. The major mineral component of trachyte is alkali feldspar (e.g. orthoclase), and it generally contains no quartz.

What are the Microlites in a trachytic texture?

Trachytic is a texture of extrusive rocks in which the groundmass contains little volcanic glass and consists predominantly of minute tabular crystals, namely, sanidine microlites. The microlites are parallel, forming flow lines along the directions of lava flow and around inclusions.

Which is the best definition of trachytic rock?

A light-colored igneous rock consisting essentially of alkali feldspar. tra·chyt′ic adj. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth… Trachytic – definition of trachytic by The Free Dictionary Printer Friendly

What kind of crystal is a trachyte made of?

Trachytes are typically fine-grained and light-colored, but can be black if they consist mostly of glass. They are often porphyritic, with large well-shaped crystals of sanidine in a groundmass containing much smaller imperfect sanidine laths.

What are the two types of trachytic groundmass?

Two types of groundmass are generally recognized: the trachytic, composed mainly of long, narrow, subparallel rods of sanidine, and the orthophyric, consisting of small squarish or rectangular prisms of the same mineral.