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What is the theme of the poem on my first son?

Major Themes in “On my First Son”: Love, death, and loss are the major themes underlined in this poem. The poem centers around a father’s grief who has lost his young son. To him, his son was his source of happiness. He brought a bundle of joys in his life, but hours of pleasures are too short.

What literary devices are used in the poem on my first son?

By opening the poem saying “farewell” to his son, he creates a sense of personal intimacy. Another literary device Jonson uses is rhyming couplets, such as “boy/joy” and “age/rage.” These create a pleasing sense of rhythm and help the poem become easier to remember.

What does the speaker mean when he asks O could I lose all father now?

It makes him want to give up being a father altogether: “O, could I lose all father now!” he proclaims in line 5. He closes the poem by vowing to himself that he will never love someone as much as he loved his son.

What is the rhyme scheme of Johnson’s on my first son?

Ben Jonson’s poem also rhymes, and since it rhymes it must have…yep, you guessed it: a rhyme scheme. This is the rhyme scheme for the poem: AABBCCDDEEFF. The last word of an A line rhymes with the last word of the other A line. B rhymes with B, C with C, and so on.

What do you think it means to drink and pledge with the eyes?

In “Song: To Celia,” what do you think it means to “drink” and “pledge” with the eyes? Line 1: The speaker tells Celia to “drink” to him only with her eyes. Eyes don’t really “drink,” and “drink” is a metaphor here for the action of lifting or pledging with one’s eyes.

What is the structure of on my first son?

“On My First Son” is an elegy—a poem of mourning. It is 12 lines long and is just one stanza (though this stanza can be broken down into six couplets). Elegies don’t have a set form, like the sonnet or the villanelle.

In what sense is Johnson’s son his best piece of poetry?

Jonson also tells his son that if anyone asks him, he is Ben Jonson’s best piece of poetry – a tender statement about fatherhood. The poem ends with Jonson vowing that he will remember in the future not to get too attached to the things he loves, so that he may prevent himself from future grief.

How does the speaker express his love to Celia?

In “Song to Celia”, the speaker expresses his love to Celia by first asking her to drink a toast to him with her eyes. He says that he would rather have a kiss from her than accept a god’s wine. The speaker responds to God’s chastening by welcoming is as a sign of divine love.

How did the Speaker take it what does it say about him song to Celia?

In this poem by Ben Jonson, the speaker asks his beloved, the titular Celia, to “drink to me only with thine eyes.” In this, he means that instead of drinking to him physically—that is, toasting him, or otherwise acknowledging him, with the use of alcohol—she should, instead, only throw him a look, and he will be …

How has his son’s death changed the speaker in on my first son?

Sample answer: Because his son’s untimely death prevents the son from suffering worldly harm, physical pain, and aging, the speaker feels that he should not regret his son’s death (line 2). In “On My First Son,” Jonson writes about the loss of his young son and how he views this loss.

What is the poem on my first son about?

‘On my First Son’ by Ben Jonson is a poem about a father who has lost a young son, and attempts to distance himself from the tragedy in numerous ways. ‘On My First Son’ by Ben Jonson is a verse lament on the dead son of the poet.

When did Ben Jonson write on my first son?

“On My First Son” is an elegy by the English poet and playwright Ben Jonson. He composed the poem shortly after his son died of the plague in 1603; his son was just seven years old at the time.

What’s the point of on my first son?

Unlike many of Jonson’s other poems—which tend to be biting, sarcastic, and satirical—“On My First Son” is a moving testament to Jonson’s anguish and grief in the wake of his son’s death. In his despair, Jonson wrestles with some of the toughest questions a poet—and a person—can face.

Why does Ben Jonson use sin in on my first Sonne?

The next line is a bitter line which states ‘my sinne was too much hope of thee, lov’d boy’. The use of sin suggests it was immoral of him to have high expectations, dreams and ambitions for his son which is a natural ‘hope’ that any parent would have toward their child.