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What is the setting reaction of alginate?

Setting reaction: Primary reaction: 2Na3PO4 + 3CaSO4 -> Ca3 (PO4)2 + 3Na2 SO4. Reaction with Retarders to increase the setting time: Na Alginate + 3 CaSO4 -> Ca Alginate + 3Na2SO4.

Can you have an allergy to alginate?

Answer: There are rare cases of purported allergy to the seaweed product, alginate.

What is the setting time of alginate?

Impression materials should be fluid enough when inserted into patient’s mouth to get the detail of soft and hard oral tissue, so it’s necessary to have a low viscosity. Alginate ideal setting time total is below 7 minutes and influenced by chemical reaction.

Can you be allergic to dental impressions?

Allergic and hypersensitivity reactions to dental impression materials may occur throughout dental treatment, with diverse manifestations from slight redness to severe pain and a burning mouth with total stomatitis.

What is alginate in dentistry?

Alginate is an elastic, irreversible hydrocolloid impression material. Irreversible hydrocolloid impressions form an inseparable part of indirect restorations. Alginate is one of the most frequently used dental materials; and alginate impression is a simple, cost-effective, and indispensable part of dental practice.

Can you be allergic to a temporary filling?

There’s also a very small risk of an allergic reaction to materials used for the filling. Allergies to temporary filling materials are uncommon, but signs of a reaction include swelling in the mouth or a rash and itching in the surrounding area.

What makes alginate set faster?

In separate containers, measure out equal parts water and Alginate by volume. To mix always add powder to water to prevent lumps while mixing. Using a wire wisk, paint mixer in an electric drill or mix by hand, mix for about 1-minute. The hotter the water and thicker the mix the faster the set time.

What affects the setting time of alginate?

Warmer water will speed the setting time of alginate and cooler water will slow it. Air temperature will affect how quickly the alginate will cool during and after mixing- same “warmer/faster, cooler slower” effect, however layup molds will be much more affected because of the larger “surface area to volume” ratio.

Can you be allergic to dental cement?

If you notice allergic reactions such as tissue damage and inflammation, after your dentist uses cement, you may have allergic reaction to eugenol. It is important to inform the dentist right away if allergic reactions are observed. Latex. Some people have allergic reaction to latex.

Can you be allergic to composite resin fillings?

In rare cases, people have developed allergic reactions to composite resin fillings, usually resulting in a localized rash or swelling in the area. Composite resin fillings are also usually more expensive than metal fillings because the take longer to apply.