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What is the most OP champ?

Most Overpowered Champions in League of Legends

  • Top Lane. Darius.
  • Yasuo. Yasuo, The Unforgiven is another OP Top-Lane champion.
  • Jungle. Xin Zhao.
  • Mid-Lane. Zed.
  • Ahri. The nine-tailed fox has always been a popular champion and has consistently been at the top of the charts.
  • Bot-Lane. Ezreal.
  • Conclusion.

Who won Champion League 2012?

Chelsea F.C.
2011–12 UEFA Champions League/Champion

What season is 2012 lol?

The League of Legends: Season 2 World Championship was an esports tournament for the multiplayer online battle arena video game League of Legends, held from October 4 to October 13, 2012, in Los Angeles, California.

What champion gets the most kills?

Riven gets a lot of kills, but she also dies the most (of these champs). Irelia has dropped down to be with the likes of Gnar, Nasus and Sion….Kills, deaths, and gold per minute in each lane.

Champion kills/min Games
Nidalee 0.243 5717
Shaco 0.231 5757
Pantheon 0.228 13040
Hecarim 0.218 6024

How much be is Darius?

Release Date May 23rd, 2012
Cost 4800 880
Primary Fighter
Secondary Tank

What champions did CertainlyT?

Here’s the list of CertainlyT Champions:

  • Darius, the Hand of Noxus.
  • Zyra, Rise of Thorns.
  • Thresh, the Soul Warden.
  • Yasuo, the Unforgiven.
  • Kalista, the Spear of Vengeance.
  • Zoe, the Aspect of Twilight.
  • Aphelios, the Weapon of the Faithful.

Who are the most op Champions in the meta?

[Top 10] LOL Most OP Champions That Wreck Hard! 1. Jhin (Most OP ADC in the meta right now) 2. Fizz (Most OP for high damage) 3. Darius (Most OP for healing and ability to deal damage to multiple enemies) 4. Master Yi (Most OP for true damage) 5. Malphite (Most OP for tanky build with amazing

Who was the most picked champion in patch 8.18?

Riot’s Patch 8.18 notes included this nugget about Aatrox: “Our last set of Aatrox changes brought his lane bullying under control.” Then you look at what he did with those changes on Patch 8.16: Aatrox was the most picked and banned champion on Patch 8.16, if you remove Akali who is a mid laner in competitive play.

Which is the most banned champion in League of Legends?

Aatrox was the most picked and banned champion on Patch 8.16, if you remove Akali who is a mid laner in competitive play. Aatrox’s 52 percent win rate is misleading because it’s dragged down by NA’s poor performance on the champion.