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What is the meaning of the last scene in The Graduate?

What is the meaning of the final exchange between Elaine and Mrs. Robinson tells Elaine, “It’s too late,” it seems to refer to the fact that Elaine cannot leave her arranged marriage since the ceremony is already over (The Graduate). The fact that Elaine cries, “Not for me” in response implies that Elaine sees Mrs.

Was Elaine pregnant in The Graduate?

Benjamin spends the summer relaxing in his parents’ pool by day and meeting Mrs. Robinson at the hotel by night. During one of their trysts, Mrs. Robinson reveals that her loveless marriage resulted when she accidentally became pregnant with her daughter, Elaine.

What is the message of The Graduate?

The film’s main themes revolve around Ben’s uncertainty about his direction in life, contrasted by the expectations imposed on him by the adults surrounding him. Mike Nichols was particular with his choice of symbolism. He uses a variety of visuals to reinforce the ideas that the narrative is already laying out.

What does the water mean in The Graduate?

The most famous, and prominent, use of symbolism throughout The Graduate would most definitely be the presence of water to show Ben’s sensation of drowning as he struggles in figuring out what to do with his life.

Are Ben and Elaine happy at the end of The Graduate?

The ending of The Graduate is kind of cryptic. Benjamin shows up, crashes Elaine’s wedding, fights off the angry guests with a cross, and runs away with the bride. They’re totally elated, laughing and excited, as they jump on city bus. But gradually, their facial expressions change, becoming more neutral.

Why does summer cry at the end of The Graduate?

Why does summer cry at the end of the graduate? “The Graduate” is a deep movie about lack of fullfilment and loneliness. It’s not about love or soulmates as Tom assumed.

Is the ending of The Graduate happy or sad?

Did Benjamin sleep with Mrs. Robinson?

Also, Ben was asked- more than once- by both Mr. and Mrs. R, “How long have I known you?” The answer was all his life. Finally, when he told Elaine he had an affair and she asked if the woman was married and had a family, he said yes, and they had a son.

Does Ben sleep with Mrs. Robinson?

Back at the hotel room, Benjamin insists on having a conversation with Mrs. Robinson. All they do is have sex, apparently, and he wants to talk about something.

What was the point of 500 days of summer?

The point of (500) Days of Summer is that we are seeing everything through the eyes of a man that has been broken up with. By the midway point, we are mad at Summer. We don’t like Summer because she’s broken the heart of our protagonist. That is what it is like when you’re seeing a relationship from only your side.

How did the ending of the Graduate come about?

The ending of ‘The Graduate’ is highly inspired by Harold Lloyd’s 1924 masterpiece, ‘Girl Shy’. Lloyd also served as an advisor on the movie’s ending. Understanding what the sudden change of emotions on Ben’s and Elaine’s face will require a thorough observation of intricate moments the characters share in the film.

What was the song about in the Graduate?

If you have a look at the background of the song, it was written by Paul Simon in similar circumstances as Ben and around the same age. The lyrics focus on the emptiness that surrounds us and the deliberation on whether or not there is an escapade from it. This is the very emptiness that defines Ben in many ways.

Is the graduate the best movie of all time?

The Graduate is a cinematic legend, a cornerstone in film history, and in my humble opinion it is as near to a completely perfect film as has ever been created. In everything it attempts to do it succeeds, and in a way so innovative that it becomes a film far ahead of its time.

What was Mrs Robinson’s line in the Graduate?

“Mrs. Robinson, are you trying to seduce me?” This iconic line holds a revered place in American film history. Not only is the dialogue of great importance in the film, but also showed the way for filmmakers and audiences to mold their acceptance of extra-marital affairs in cinematic representations.