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What is the meaning of Externalisation?

1a : the action or process of externalizing. b : the quality or state of being externalized. 2 : something externalized : embodiment. Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More About externalization.

What is Externalisation in psychology?

n. 1. a defense mechanism in which one’s thoughts, feelings, or perceptions are attributed to the external world and perceived as independent of oneself or one’s own experiences.

What is Externalisation in sociology?

externalization A concept used by phenomenological and some Marxist sociologists to describe how human beings imprint their ideas and projects on the outside world.

What is externalization in literature?

externalization – attributing to outside causes. externalisation. ascription, attribution – assigning to a cause or source; “the attribution of lighting to an expression of God’s wrath”; “he questioned the attribution of the painting to Picasso”

What is Externalisation ownership?

“Externalisation” is a strategy of incorporating holding companies in offshore jurisdictions to enjoy certain benefits which the home country does not offer. The strategy is employed by companies to move their corporate structures away from the Indian tax and regulatory regimes.

What does it mean to externalize problems?

Externalizing the problem: A technique used in narrative therapy to help clients separate themselves from their problems.

What does it mean to externalize your emotions?

A person with an externalizing disorder directs antisocial, aggressive behavior outward (externally), at others, rather than turning their feelings inward (internalizing).

What does it mean to externalize a problem?

Externalizing the problem helps us gain a better perspective: rather than personalizing it, clients in therapy are able to separate themselves from the problem at hand. Therapists employ this technique by personifying their client’s problem: for instance, they will refer to the problem as “it” and “the”.

What is externalizing bias?

Abstract. The presence of externalizing bias (EB) for negative events together with personalizing bias (PB) (a bias to blame others rather than circumstances) may jointly constitute a vulnerability to develop persecutory delusions (PDs).

How do you externalize a problem?

At its core, externalizing involves using language that helps to personify the problem in question. In response to the statement, ‘I’m useless,’ for example, I might respond with, ‘Am I right in thinking that the problem tries to tell you about the type of person you are?

What is the meaning of the term externalization?

For externalization of cost, in the context of economics, see externality. In Freudian psychology, externalization ( or externalisation) is an unconscious defense mechanism by which an individual ” projects ” his or her own internal characteristics onto the outside world, particularly onto other people.

Which is an example of an externalization defense mechanism?

For example, a patient who is overly argumentative might instead perceive others as argumentative and himself as blameless . Like other defense mechanisms, externalization is a protection against anxiety and is, therefore, part of a healthy, normally functioning mind.

Why is externalization important in a healthy mind?

Externalization. Like other defense mechanisms, externalization is a protection against anxiety and is, therefore, part of a healthy, normally functioning mind. However, if taken to excess, it can lead to the development of a neurosis . Externalization can also be used in the context of a corporation.

Which is an example of an externalizing machine?

The corporation is an externalizing machine (moving its operating costs and risks to external organizations and people), in the same way that a shark is a killing machine. — Robert Monks (2003) Republican candidate for Senate from Maine and corporate governance adviser in the film The Corporation.