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What is the meaning of a scuffle?

1a : to struggle at close quarters with disorder and confusion. b : to struggle (as by working odd jobs) to get by. 2a : to move with a quick shuffling gait : scurry. b : shuffle. Other Words from scuffle Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More About scuffle.

What scuffing means?

: to make a mark or scratch in the surface of (something) by scraping it. : to walk without lifting your feet : to drag your feet while you walk. scuff.

How do you spell scuffles?

verb (used without object), scuf·fled, scuf·fling. to struggle or fight in a rough, confused manner. to go or move in hurried confusion.

What is an antonym for the word scuffle?

Opposite of a short, confused fight or struggle at close quarters. agreement. calm. harmony. peace.

What is the synonym and antonym of scuffle?

scramble, scuffleverb. an unceremonious and disorganized struggle. Synonyms: scramble, scamper, scuffle hoe, hassle, rough-and-tumble, scurry, dogfight, tussle. shuffle, scuffle, shambleverb.

What is a scuffle in England?

əl/ uk. /ˈskʌf. əl/ a short and sudden fight, especially one involving a small number of people: Two police officers were injured in scuffles with demonstrators at Sunday’s protest.

What is the antonym of scuffle?

What is the opposite of scuffle?

agreement calm
truce accord
retreat calmness
order concord
serenity peacefulness

What does Scruffed mean?

The back of the neck; the nape. [Alteration of dialectal scuft, scuff.]

What is blundered mean?

1 : to utter stupidly, confusedly, or thoughtlessly blundered an apology. 2 : to make a stupid, careless, or thoughtless mistake in … blundering matters through ignorance …—

What does Scruffled mean?

Scruffle meaning (UK, dialect, Northern) A scuffle; a physical fight or struggle. noun. (UK, dialect, Northern) To scuffle; to wrestle.

What is the meaning of scuffle?

Definition of scuffle. intransitive verb. 1a : to struggle at close quarters with disorder and confusion. b : to struggle (as by working odd jobs) to get by. 2a : to move with a quick shuffling gait : scurry.

What is the opposite of scuffle?

86 Scuffle antonyms – Opposite of Scuffle. agreement. n. accordance. flourish. coast. freewheel. coincide. connect.

What does scuffle hoe mean?

scuffle, scuffle hoe, Dutch hoe (noun) a hoe that is used by pushing rather than pulling. scramble, scuffle (verb) an unceremonious and disorganized struggle. shuffle, scuffle, shamble (verb) walk by dragging one’s feet “he shuffled out of the room”; “We heard his feet shuffling down the hall” scuffle, tussle (verb)