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What is the literary genre of Tristan Cafe?

The Tristan Café is an example of a Flash Fictionin literary Genre. It is a Flash Fiction because the story was very short. The story is only under 1000 words. Only parts of the whole story can be seen in the text.

What is wattpad genre?

While not all stories fit neatly into these genre categories, here is a base understanding of each so you can best align your story for discoverability.

  • Romance.
  • Fantasy.
  • Paranormal.
  • Horror.
  • Historical Fiction.
  • Fan Fiction.
  • Short Story.
  • Spiritual.

Why Tristan Cafe is a text talk novel?

Answer: The use of “Text-Talk Novel” in “Tristan Café” is very much in the context of writing, which is a story told entirely in dialogue. Another genre Identification of it, is the “Hyper Poetry” which the context have for it has the involvement of set words, phrases, and lines, that are presented in variable order.

What is the characteristics of Tristan café?

Answer: Tristan Cafe is a literary genre that is flash fiction and for me, Tristan Cafe will be qualified in the 21st-century literary piece. Because the 21st-century literary piece comprehends their various genres, elements, context, structers, and tradition and Tristan Cafe was about love and love is traditional.

What is a genre in a story?

A genre is a specific type of music, film, or writing. Your favorite literary genre might be science fiction, and your favorite film genre might be horror flicks about cheerleaders. In film or literature, the genre is determined by the subject, setting or plot of the story.

What are the genres of fanfiction?


  • Angst.
  • Alternative universe (AU)
  • Crossover.
  • Soulmates.
  • Time Travel AU.
  • Darkfic.
  • Fix-It Fic.
  • Fluff.

What is the message of Tristan Cafe?