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What is the evaluation criteria for edTPA Task 3?

Students must list 3 similarities and 6 differences. At least 6 of the nine responses must be correct. There must be at least 2 correct in each of the 3 sections of the Venn Diagram so as to indicate that the student met the objective of identifying similarities and differences.

What is Task 3 Part D in edTPA?

Task 3: Assessing Student Learning Part B: Evidence of Feedback. Part C: Assessment Commentary. Part D: Evaluation Criteria.

What is evaluation criteria on edTPA?

Your evaluation criteria (or standards for mastery) must be explicit and specific so that the data you collect from an assessment is as useful to you as possible. Here is an example of unspecific (and therefore insufficient) evaluation criteria: Students must list 3 similarities and 6 differences in their Venn Diagram.

How do you write a evaluation criteria?

Evaluation criteria must represent the key areas of importance. Always include cost/price and quality. More important criteria should be weighted greater than less important criteria. Proposals are to be evaluated solely on the factors and sub-factors stated in the solicitation.

What are evaluation criteria?

Evaluation Criteria are the standards by which accomplishments of required technical and operational effectiveness and/or suitability characteristics or the resolution of operational issues may be assessed.

What is evaluation criteria in lesson plan?

Answer: Your evaluation criteria are your guidelines for assessing student work. This could be a rubric, a checklist, or a scoring guide. Remember, when you have specific evaluation criteria, it’s easier to give specific feedback to students!

How many students do you need for edTPA?

4 students
Number of students included in the learning segment must meet the minimum number indicated in the subject-specific edTPA handbook, typically 4 students, dependent on handbook requirements. Students may submit their completed assessment electronically.

What happens if you fail edTPA?

If you fail the edTPA you may select one of these options: Re-take the edTPA: You can re-take the edTPA to try to achieve a passing score. You can either re-take just one task of the edTPA or you can re-take the entire edTPA. You should consult with the SUNY Cortland edTPA advisor about the retake process.

What are 3 criteria?


What are 5 examples of criteria?

20 Examples of Decision Criteria

  • Cost. A budget, cost constraint or preference for lower cost options.
  • Opportunity Costs.
  • Return on Investment.
  • Time.
  • Quality.
  • Customer Experience.
  • Performance.
  • Reliability.