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What is the difference between a bilateral mastectomy and a double mastectomy?

A double mastectomy—also known as a bilateral mastectomy—is exactly what it sounds like: a surgery in which both breasts are removed at the same time. It’s major surgery that removes both breasts to remove cancer, or to reduce the risk of breast cancer in a woman who may be at high risk for the disease.

Can you get breast cancer after a bilateral mastectomy?

FACT: Undergoing a bilateral mastectomy drastically reduces your chances of breast cancer recurrence since almost all of your breast tissue has been removed. There is a very small chance that residual breast tissue or cancer cells could recur on the chest wall.

What are the contraindications of mastectomy?

Mastectomy may be contraindicated in patients with proven distant metastatic disease. Also, frail or elderly patients with significant medical co-morbidities or systemic organ dysfunction may not be candidates for surgery due to the burden of their overall health and poor performance status.

What is bilateral segmental mastectomy?

Listen to pronunciation. (seg-MEN-tul ma-STEK-toh-mee) Surgery to remove cancer or other abnormal tissue from the breast and some normal tissue around it, but not the breast itself. Some lymph nodes under the arm may be removed for biopsy.

How bad is a double mastectomy?

A double mastectomy can cause some physical side effects. There is also a risk of complications following the surgery. Potential side effects and risks include: Fatigue: Many people feel tired for days or weeks after the surgery.

How often does breast cancer come back after a double mastectomy?

If a chest wall recurrence is localized, it is referred to as a non-metastatic breast cancer recurrence. Around 5 percent of women who have had a mastectomy will have a regional recurrence over the 10 years post-surgery.

Do you need chemo if you have a double mastectomy?

Are chemotherapy and radiation needed with a double mastectomy? Often times, no. Many women choose mastectomy to avoid radiation. However, that’s not always an option, and women should talk with their doctors or care team before finalizing their decisions.

What are the indications for mastectomy?

The most common indications for mastectomy include: Patients with large, malignant or centrally located tumours may undergo mastectomy. If there are inadequate margins around the primary tumour and a breast is too small for a more extensive removal to be performed, mastectomy is recommended.

What stage is mastectomy?

Stage II cancers are treated with either breast-conserving surgery (BCS; sometimes called lumpectomy or partial mastectomy) or mastectomy.

Is segmental mastectomy same as lumpectomy?

Lumpectomy is a type of surgery that removes a lump and leaves as much normal breast tissue as possible. During the surgery, the breast cancer and some normal tissue around it is removed. This treatment is also known as a segmental or partial mastectomy.