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What is the correct decay equation for the radioisotope TH 232?

The nucleus that decays is called the “parent” and the one that it tranforms into is called the “daughter.” Here are examples of alpha decay that you will find in your text. 90-Th-232 —> 88-Ra-228 + 2-He-4.

What is the beta decay of TH 234?

In this beta decay, a thorium-234 nucleus has become a protactinium-234 nucleus. Protactinium-234 is also a beta emitter and produces uranium-234. Once again, the atomic number increases by one and the mass number remains the same; confirm that the equation is correctly balanced.

What does uranium 232 become if it goes through alpha decay?

Uranium 232 decays via alpha decay to 228Th. The half-life of uranium 232 is only 68.9 years. Uranium 232 very rarely decays by spontaneous fission. Its specific activity is very high ~22 Ci/g and its decay chain produces very penetrating gamma rays.

How does u238 decay?

Uranium-238 decays by alpha emission into thorium-234, which itself decays by beta emission to protactinium-234, which decays by beta emission to uranium-234, and so on. After several more alpha and beta decays, the series ends with the stable isotope lead-206.

What will decay to produce protactinium 234 and a beta particle?

The equation shows that thorium-234 becomes protactinium-234 and loses a beta particle and energy. The protactinium-234 produced in the reaction is also radioactive, so it will decay as well. An alpha particle, which is emitted during alpha decay, consists of two protons and two neutrons.

What kind of radiation does thorium 232 emit?

Thorium-232 ( 232 Th) is present in significant amounts in the Earth’s crust and is an alpha-emitting radionuclide, which decays to radium-228 ( 228 Ra), which is a beta emitter with a half-life of about six years; it emits no significant gamma radiation.

What is the half life of thorium 233?

The half-life of 233 Th is approximately 21.8 minutes. 233 Th decays (negative beta decay) to 233 Pa (protactinium), whose half-life is 26.97 days. 233 Pa decays (negative beta decay) to 233 U, that is very good fissile material.

Is the decay of thorium gamma or gamma?

So, yes, the decay of thorium through its radioactive progeny does produce significant gamma and beta radiation. You can find a large number of graphical and tabular displays of the 232 Th decay chain on the internet.