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What is the best budget spreadsheet?

The Best Free Budget Spreadsheets Vertex42 Spreadsheets. If you’re new to spreadsheets or spreadsheet applications, one of the best places to start is through Vertex42. Mint Lifestyle Spreadsheet Templates. Intuit’s Mint is 1 of the most popular budgeting apps available. It’s Your Money! Free Editions. Google Sheets Free Budget Template Gallery.

How do I create a monthly budget?

To create your monthly budget Categorize your expenses. From your list of expenses, develop two separate budget lists, one for essentials and the other for extras. Look through these lists to find flexible budget expenses where you can cut back. Estimate what you spend. Add up your budget essentials list and the extras list separately.

What is a budgeting worksheet?

A budget worksheet is a sheet of paper that is organized so that you can easily keep track of your budget. It is a tool that can help you with tracking your budget. Now, don’t get me wrong, if you are using a budget worksheet and it is successful for you, keep doing what you are doing!!!

What is the average household expenses?

According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average pretax household income in the U.S. in 2019 was $82,352, while average household expenditures added up to $63,036. 1  This means that the average American spends about 76% of their income.

What are some household expenses?

The expenses include mortgage or rent, as well as property insurance, utilities, repairs to the home, and food consumed in the home, among others; there are worksheets available for free to help one determine what qualifies as household expenses.

What are examples of household expenses?

Examples of Household Variable Expenses. Typical household variable expenses include the cost of household maintenance like painting or yard care; general expenses such as clothing, groceries, and car maintenance; and resource expenses such as fuel, electricity, gas, and water.