
If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book

What is the Antimoon method?

The Anitmoon Method is a revolutionary method of learning languages developed by Tomasz P. Szynalski. This method of learning English requires no classes, teacher or textbook. You learn through maximizing language input (reading and listening) rather than output (speaking and writing).

How many sentences to learn a language?

The idea is to choose 10000 sentences in your target language and learn them sufficiently. According to AJATT, you’ve “learned” a sentence when you: Read it in full, aloud, in its native script. Know the meaning of every word in the sentence.

What is the mass sentence method?

By looking at the English, you’re turning the sentence into comprehensible input, even if you don’t know one of the words. So you’re essentially feeding your brain a ton of comprehensible sentences in a very focused way, and then repeating them, which involves all those processes I mentioned above.

What does Ajatt mean?

All Japanese All The Time
Edit. “All Japanese All The Time” or “AJATT” is a language blog written by Khatzumoto, who learned Japanese to a respectable level in 18 months. “AJATT” is also used as a name for his language-learning method.

How can I learn Antimoon in English?

How to learn English

  1. Motivation ~Become a person who likes to learn English.
  2. Dictionary ~Get a good English dictionary and use it all the time.
  3. No mistakes ~Avoid mistakes.
  4. Pronunciation ~Learn to pronounce English sounds.
  5. Input ~Get English into your head by reading and listening to lots of English sentences.

How is sentence method useful in language learning?

One of many methods of language acquisition is learning a large number of sentences, through which you internalise the grammar of a language by assimilating sentence patterns. This enables you to get a feel for how to speak correctly in your new language.

How do you use mine sentences?

How do I do sentence mining?

  1. Find a resource that can provide a steady supply of accurate sentences.
  2. Select simple sentences that demonstrate the word’s meaning.
  3. Save those sentences in your notebook or flashcards.
  4. Periodically review.

What is AJAT Japanese?

Welcome to All Japanese All The Time (AJATT)! The place to be for information on how to learn a language (Japanese or otherwise), on your own, having fun and to fluency…mostly by taking everything that schools do that sucks and…not doing it.

Who is Khatzumoto?

Khatzumoto is the man behind the popular Japanese learner blog All Japanese All the Time (or AJATT for short). He showed that it’s truly possible to reach a high level of fluency anywhere in the world; that learning a language is more about doing the right things than happening to live in the right place.

What is a sentence method?

(Education) A method of teaching reading by giving first attention to phrases and sentences and later analyzing these into their verbal and alphabetic components; – contrasted with alphabet method and word method.

What’s the best way to learn 10000 sentences?

The idea is to choose 10000 sentences in your target language and learn them sufficiently. According to AJATT, you’ve “learned” a sentence when you: The sentences should be learned without translation and without rote memorization.

How many sentences can you learn in a day?

10,000 sentences is a lot. But the way we’re doing it, you can easily learn about 50 every day no sweat, and even more if you want to. Don’t freak out if you only do 15-25 every day. The important thing is to learn every day. Computing device (s) (PC, electronic dictionary, PDA, etc.)

How many sentences can you learn without translation?

The sentences should be learned without translation and without rote memorization. You will end up “memorizing” the sentences merely through repetition, but your goal should be understanding, not memorization. Choose 10000 sentences.