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What is the answer to the 2 guards riddle?

One leads to your goal the other to a painful death. Guard one says “one of us speaks only truth”. Guard two says “one of us speaks only lies”. The simple answer is to ask either one what the other guard would say and go through the opposite door.

How do you solve the one liar one truth riddle?

The solution to the original problem is: “If I were to ask the other guard which door leads to freedom, what would s/he say?” If you ask the liar, s/he will lie about what the truth-teller would say, and will point you to the door that leads to death.

What are two guards?

The guards know about each other. For example (although this does not help) if the first guard was a liar he would say that the second guard is a liar (because it is a lie to say the second guard is a liar). It is impossible (and unnecessary) to determine which guard is a truth-teller and which is a liar.

Did Sarah choose the right door?

Sarah knows to do the opposite of the answer she’s given, which allows her to choose the right door. Of course, in the Labyrinth the right way isn’t always obviously the right way. Sarah goes through the door, and immediately falls through a trap door into the Shaft of Hands.

What is the Sphinxs riddle?

The Sphinx sat in front of Thebes and asked a riddle of everyone who tried to enter the city. This was the Sphinx’s riddle: What goes on four feet in the morning, two feet at noon, and three feet in the evening? (Answer: a person: A person as a baby in the morning of their life crawls on four feet (hands and knees).

Which guard tells the truth?

Scenario two: The guard you asked is the one who tells the truth. – If the guard you ask is the one who tells the truth, he will tell you (honestly) that the other guard – the lying guard – will point you towards door B. This makes door A the safe bet. In both cases, the outcome is the same.

What does a dead liar do?

So what does a liar do when he’s dead? He lies still. The Riddler’s taunt to Batman. Warner Bros.

Which door will you choose riddles?

You have to choose between three doors. Behind the First Door, is a wall of fire. Behind the Second Door, there is a mama polar bear and her cub. Behind the third door, is a lake full of hungry crocodiles.

What hurts without moving poison without touching?

The answer to We hurt without moving. We poison without touching Riddle is “Words.”

Which door was telling the truth in the labyrinth?

– If the guard you ask is the one who tells the truth, he will tell you (honestly) that the other guard – the lying guard – will point you towards door B. This makes door A the safe bet. In both cases, the outcome is the same. To stay alive, you must walk through the opposite door you’ve been told.

What happens if you ask the guard who always lies?

If you ask the guard who always lies, he knows the other guard would truthfully show you the exit, so he’ll lie and point you to the door leading to death. An alternate solution is to ask a guard what they would answer if you were to ask them which door was the exit, then choose that door.

Is it true that one guard always tells the truth?

You’re told that one guard always tells the truth and the other guard always lies. You don’t know which guard is which. You are allowed to ask one question to either of the guards to determine which door is the exit. What question should you ask? Ask either guard what door the other guard would say is the exit, then choose the opposite door.

Is the door correct and the Guard lies?

The door is correct and the guard lies: Then 1 is true, 3 is true, 2 is same as above, which in both cases is a lie (111=no=>yes, 101=yes=>no) => the guard can answer in any way and will pick one answer.

Are there two guards in a room with two doors?

You’re in a room with two doors. There’s a guard at each door. One door is the exit, but behind the other door is something that will kill you. You’re told that one guard always tells the truth and the other guard always lies.