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What is scleral injection?

A popular term for eyes that appear red due to dilation of the conjunctival vessels overlying the sclera. Aetiology.

What causes injected sclera?

It is usually injection and prominence of the superficial blood vessels of the conjunctiva, which may be caused by disorders of these or adjacent structures. Conjunctivitis and subconjunctival hemorrhage are two of the less serious but more common causes.

What does injected conjunctiva mean?

Conjunctival injection or hyperemia is a nonspecific response with enlargement of conjunctival vessels induced by various diseases. Conjunctival injection is an important diagnostic clue for infection or inflammation and can be utilized for the monitoring of the disease progression and response to treatment.

What is ciliary injection?

Ciliary injection involves branches of the anterior ciliary arteries and indicates inflammation of the cornea, iris, or ciliary body. Conjunctival injection mainly affects the posterior conjunctival blood vessels.

Is sclera the same as cornea?

The cornea and sclera make up the outer tunic of the eye. Each is a connective tissue containing collagen fibrils embedded in a proteoglycan-rich extrafibrillar matrix, but whereas the cornea is uniquely transparent, the sclera is totally opaque. The sclera (the white part of the eye) constitutes the rest of the globe.

Can the sclera be injected?

Methods: Patients with the condition were given a sclera strengthening injection, in which a dose of liquid polymeric composition is injected under the Tenon’s capsule on the scleral surface. After polymerization, the composition forms over the scleral surface a layer of elastic foamed gel.

What does it mean when eyes are injected?

An intravitreal injection is a shot of medicine into the eye. The inside of the eye is filled with a jelly-like fluid (vitreous). During this procedure, your health care provider injects medicine into the vitreous, near the retina at the back of the eye.

What does conjunctiva look like?

The conjunctiva is the clear, thin membrane that covers part of the front surface of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelids. It has two segments: Bulbar conjunctiva. This portion of the conjunctiva covers the anterior part of the sclera (the “white” of the eye).

Where is ciliary muscle?

The ciliary muscle is elongated, triangular in shape, and located beneath the anterior sclera just posterior to the limbus. The shortest side of the triangular region faces anterior-inward and it is to this region of the ciliary body that the base of the iris inserts.