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What is principle of flame photometry Slideshare?

Introduction  Principle :  1-flame photometry, a branch of atomic spectroscopy is used for determining the concentration of certain metal ions such as sodium, potassium, lithium, calcium, Cesium, etc. Due to this thermal excitation, some of the atoms are excited to a higher energy level where they are not stable. 3.

What are the main applications of flame photometry?

Flame Photometer applications

  • Pharmaceutical Industry. Laboratories in the pharmaceutical industry are in most cases highly regulated areas.
  • Food analytics & raw materials.
  • Salinity control.
  • Environmental analysis.
  • Chemical industry and cement production.

What do you mean by flame photometry?

: a spectrophotometer in which a spray of metallic salts in solution is vaporized in a very hot flame and subjected to quantitative analysis by measuring the intensities of the spectral lines of the metals present.

What is the purpose of flame in flame photometry?

A photoelectric flame photometer is a device used in inorganic chemical analysis to determine the concentration of certain metal ions, among them sodium, potassium, lithium, and calcium. Group 1 and Group 2 metals are quite sensitive to Flame Photometry due to their low excitation energies.

What is the working principle of AAS?

AAS is an analytical technique used to determine how much of certain elements are in a sample. It uses the principle that atoms (and ions) can absorb light at a specific, unique wavelength. When this specific wavelength of light is provided, the energy (light) is absorbed by the atom.

Why flame is used in flame photometry?

Both are directly proportional with the number of atoms in the sample. Flame photometry or flame emission spectroscopy is an atomic emission technique. There is no need for light source. Flame serves both as an as an atomizer and excitation source.

What is the principle of photometry?

The basic principle of this technology involves measurement of quantity of light absorbing analyte in a solution. This can only be however applied to solutions which follow the Beer Lambert’s law. Analytes which have the tendency to absorb light, when exposed to a beam of incident light, will absorb some.

How does flame spectroscopy work?

In the flame photometer, the coloured light from a vaporised sample can be split to produce an emission spectrum . The different lines in an emission spectrum look like a coloured barcode. Each metal ion produces a unique emission spectrum. If two spectra match, they must be from the same metal ion.

What is the function of flame in flame photometry?

IN a flame photometer a flame is used for (1) transforming the sample to be anslysed from the liquid or solid state into the gaseous state, (2) for decomposing the molecular compounds of the investigated element into simpler molecules or atoms, and finally, (3) for exciting the latter particles to light-emission.

What is flame AAS?

Flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (Flame AAS or FAAS) was developed in 1952 and first commercially released as an analytical technique in the 1960s. AAS is an analytical technique used to determine how much of certain elements are in a sample.