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What is penile Melanotic Macules?

1] Penile melanotic macules, a benign acquired melanosis generally observed in adulthood, may be present on the shaft of the penis or on the glans penis and can mimic mucosal melanoma.[2-5] Different dermoscopic patterns has been identified in cases of mucosal melanosis but there are few reported cases about findings …

How many men have penile Melanosis?

Genital melanotic macules are not uncommon. Most lesions go unnoticed by the patients due to the asymptomatic nature and its site. In a study of 10 000 men by Barnhill et al., the prevalence was reported to be 14.2%. This benign disorder has been labelled differently by various authors.

Is penile melanoma curable?

Early-stage penile melanoma is curable, but the disease is rare.

Does a penile biopsy hurt?

You should not feel any pain during the biopsy. Do tell your doctor if it feels uncomfortable, they can give you more local anaesthetic. Afterwards, you may have slight bleeding. This is nothing to worry about.

What does a penile lesion look like?

What are penile lesions? Most will look somewhat red or scaly, and they may also cause pain or itching. There are a number of reasons why men develop lesions on this part of their body, but sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are some of the most common.

Can cortizone 10 be used for balanitis?

Share on Pinterest Antifungal creams can treat balanitis caused by Candida. If the inflammation appears to be due to an allergic reaction or irritant, the doctor may prescribe a mild steroid cream, such as one percent hydrocortisone, for the swelling.

What is the treatment for genital melanotic macules?

The treatment of Genital Melanotic Macules may include the following: The healthcare provider may choose to regularly observe the benign lesions; a “wait and watch” approach may be followed, once a diagnosis of a melanotic macule is established. In such cases, no treatment is generally required

Is there any treatment for penile melanosis in boys?

Typically, no treatment is required or recommended for penile melanosis. For some men and adolescent boys, simply getting reassurance from their doctor about the harmless nature of the condition is helpful. For example, it’s important to know that the condition is benign and not contagious.

How is the diagnosis of penile melanotic macules made?

The diagnosis of Penile Melanotic Macules may involve the following procedures: The diagnosis is usually made by a complete physical (pelvic) examination and evaluation of medical history and family history Dermoscopy: It is a diagnostic tool where a dermatologist examines the skin using a special magnified lens

What’s the best way to remove a melanotic macule?

If a person decides that they do want them removed this can be done by: Cryotherapy – this is when the dermatologist or physician uses liquid nitrogen and sprays it on the melanotic macule to freeze it. Excision but using this form of removal will leave you a scar.