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What is Otter ID Csumb?

Your OtterCard is your student/faculty/staff identification. You can use your OtterCard as a: Library card. Campus shuttle and MST bus pass. Key into the residential halls and other buildings on campus.

How do I get my otter ID Csumb?

Please send an email to [email protected] to request that the link be sent to you. I picked up my ID at Orientation, but I lost/broke it! How do I get a new one? You can get a replacement OtterCard at the Campus Service Center.

Is MST free for Csumb students?

CSUMB username serves as transit pass on all MST routes It’s really a free ride. 15, Cal State Monterey Bay students enrolled in the spring semester, as well as faculty and staff members, will be able to ride all Monterey-Salinas Transit buses for free. The UPASS program makes taking the bus more convenient than ever.

How many students go to Csumb?

7,634 (2016)
California State University, Monterey Bay/Total enrollment

Where can I use my Otter card on campus?

Your OtterCard is your student/faculty/staff identification. You can use your OtterCard as a: Key into the residential halls and other buildings on campus

How to report a lost CSUMB student ID card?

The easiest way to report a lost or stolen card during business hours is to call the Campus Service Center at (831) 582-5100 or email to [email protected]. Please include your name, your student ID number, and the date and time when you noticed that your card was missing.

Can you use Otter card as a debit card?

You can load money on your OtterCard and use it as a debit card at: A $10.00 replacement fee is charged for all lost, stolen or damaged cards. To replace your card you will need to visit the Campus Service Center in person during business hours. Do not do the following with your card:

How to report a lost or stolen Otter card?

The easiest way to report a lost or stolen card during business hours is to call the Campus Service Center at (831) 582-5100 or email to [email protected]. Please include your name, your student ID number, and the date and time when you noticed that your card was missing. There is a replacement fee for lost or stolen cards.