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What is MODIS product?

The MODIS instrument is operating on both the Terra and Aqua spacecraft. The Level 1A, Level 1B, geolocation and cloud mask products and the Higher-level MODIS land and atmosphere products are produced by the MODIS Adaptive Processing System (MODAPS), and then are parceled out among three DAACs for distribution.

What kind of MODIS data are available?

MODIS data can be placed in two broad categories; daily scenes and derived products. You can order a daily scene for any specific date and location; and at different times of day and night as mentioned above.

How do I download a MODIS product?

How to Download MODIS data

  1. Step 1: Define Your Study Area (AOI)
  2. Step 2: Define the Data That You Want to Download.
  3. Step 3: Define Selection Criteria.
  4. Step 4: View Results & Select Data to Order / Download.
  5. Step 5: Download Your Data.

From when is MODIS data available?

Terra MODIS and Aqua MODIS are viewing the entire Earth’s surface every 1 to 2 days, acquiring data in 36 spectral bands, or groups of wavelengths (see MODIS Technical Specifications).

What is MODIS data used for?

MODIS helps scientists determine the amount of water vapor in a column of the atmosphere and the vertical distribution of temperature and water vapor—measurements crucial to understanding Earth’s climate system.

Who built MODIS?

Santa Barbara Remote Sensing
The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) is a payload imaging sensor built by Santa Barbara Remote Sensing that was launched into Earth orbit by NASA in 1999 on board the Terra (EOS AM) satellite, and in 2002 on board the Aqua (EOS PM) satellite.

How many datasets are in MODIS atmosphere daily?

The Level-3 MODIS Atmosphere Daily Global Product contains roughly 600 statistical datasets that are derived from approximately 80 scientific parameters from four Level-2 MODIS Atmosphere Products: Aerosol, Water Vapor, Cloud, and Atmosphere Profile.

Which is an example of a MODIS product?

In this example the for a CMG product, the MODIS Product Long Name convention: MODIS/Terra Surface Reflectance Daily L3 Global 0.05 Deg CMG V006 has the following characteristics: In this example for a swath product, the MODIS Product Long Name convention: MODIS/Aqua Thermal Anomalies/Fire 5-Minute L2 Swath 1km has the following characteristics:

What is the local granule ID for MODIS?

MODIS filenames (i.e., the local granule ID) follow a naming convention which gives useful information regarding the specific product. In this example of a swath product, the filename MOD14.A2019159.2345.006.2019160032437.hdf indicates: MOD14 – Product Short Name A2019159 – Julian Date of Acquisition (A-YYYYDDD)

What are the global parameters of Level 3 MODIS?

Essentially all level-3 MODIS atmosphere daily global parameters are derived from the four level-2 MODIS atmosphere products MOD04_L2, MOD05_L2, MOD06_L2, and MOD07_L2. Statistics are computed over a 1 degree equal-angle lat-lon grid that spans a 24-hour (0000 to 2400 Greenwich Mean Time) interval.