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What is meant by Pneumoencephalography?

: radiography of the brain after the injection of air into the ventricles.

Is Elle and Elles pronounced the same?

is there? Yes and no. In a vacuum, they are pronounced the same, but if the plural versions are followed by a word starting with a vowel , the s will be pronounced, which is called a liaison.

Is pneumoencephalography still used?

Pneumoencephalography, a painful and sometimes dangerous procedure, has been largely displaced by the techniques of computerized axial tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and positron emission tomography. Today, the technique is used only in rare instances.

Who invented pneumoencephalography?

The procedure was developed by Walter E. Dandy (1886–1946) an American pediatric neurosurgeon who practised at Johns Hopkins Hospital 3.

Do you pronounce the s in Elles?

Many French students feel tempted to to pronounce the -ent ending for “-ER” verbs conjugated in the first person plural. You might think that “elle passe” and “elles passent” should sound different, but they don’t. The s that makes “elles” plural is silent and so is that -ent.

How do you say tu in French?

Yes, it’s somewhere between the two (i.e. not pronounced like a Spanish “tu”, which is a hard ‘t’ sound). To me, it’s a bit like saying “tchew”, but with the lips more pursed, with a trailing part almost like a quiet whistle.

What is the difference between ELE and Elle?

Elle (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈeʎe] or [ˈeʃe], plural: elles [ˈeʎes] or [ˈeʃes]) is a third-person gender-neutral pronoun in Spanish intended as an alternative to the gender-specific él (“he”) and ella (“she”). The use of elle as the name of the diagraph ll is noted in the DLE.

Do you pronounce s in Elles?

Many French students feel tempted to to pronounce the -ent ending for “-ER” verbs conjugated in the first person plural. The s that makes “elles” plural is silent and so is that -ent.

What is meant by pneumoencephalography?