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What is MapleStory monster life?

Monster Life is a game within MapleStory. Monster Life is a great way to socialize with your fellow Maplers and to earn some nice stat boosts in regular MapleStory. Every player is given 1 farm per account. Your farm is shared between all characters and worlds on the account. The farm cannot be deleted when created.

What happened monster life?

Monster Life was a free game made by Gameloft for Android, iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch devices; it was released in . As of 2015, Monster Life is no longer available on Google Play or the App Store. However, if one had the game prior to its removal, all features will still be available.

How do you add monsters to monster collection MapleStory?

To add monsters to Monster Collection, players hunt the specific monster until it is added, or use the extremely rare Monsterbloom item to randomly register a monster (there are a few Monsterblooms that register a specific monster, obtainable by completing certain rows in the Collection).

Does reboot have monster life?

Most power boosting items in Reboot World cost meso; Red Cubes and Black Cubes can be purchased from the CashShop for mesos, character slots, monster park tickets, pendant slots and many more pay-to-win items are now only purchasable with mesos….Does reboot have monster life?

Will (Boss)
Attack 22,000

How do you get gems in Monster Life?

Visit your Monster Farm, navigate to the Decorate Farm tab and open the Decors and Useables section to view the coupon. Monster Life Gem Coupons purchased from an in-game vendor are delivered to the USE inventory tab of the character that purchased them.

How do I unlock monster collection?

To unlock an exploration line, you’ll need to collect a line of monsters, the number of hours for the exploration depends on the line itself which varies – 1hour, 3hour, 6hour and 24hour lines. In addition, collecting a line of monsters will yield a box.

Does drop rate affect monster collection Maplestory?

Active member. Basic Info: – Killing mobs will have a chance to add them to collection (Noted by the “A monster has been added to your collection” popup on screen and in chat). – Drop Rate does not affect the chance to add mobs to your collection.

What are elite monsters in MapleStory?

Elite Monsters are a type of enemy creature that appears in MapleStory 2. Elite Monsters respawn slightly slower than ordinary creatures and are clearly marked on the minimap with a boss icon. Like bosses in general, they apply Fair Fight mechanics to combat and are associated with Trophies.

How often do elite bosses spawn MapleStory?

For me it takes about an hour to 1.5 hours to spawn 3 elite bosses from clean channels.

Does level affect monster collection Maplestory?

4.3 A lower level monster is significantly easier to collect compared to a higher level monster, that said, this does not affect elites and bosses. As covered in Section 4.1, all monsters are registered on a same-name basis regardless of appearance.

What can you do with Monster life in Maplestory?

Monster Life is a great way to socialize with your fellow Maplers and to earn some nice stat boosts in regular MapleStory. Every player is given 1 farm per account. Your farm is shared between all characters and worlds on the account.

When do elite monsters spawn in Maplestory farm?

Elite bosses spawn after you murder around 15~20 (Still need to run tests) Elite Monsters. After you kill an elite monster one of the following messages will appear: “The dark energy is still here, it’s making the place quite grim” <– noooooowhere near close to elite boss

Where do you put Genesis House in Maplestory?

Genesis house is placed in your farm to earn waru (like other houses in the shop), and the C grade monster box is used to create your first monster. Depending on the monster type, you will gain stats that applies to the entire account in all worlds. Stats of the same type for regular monsters (same monster for special monsters) will not be stacked.

Who are the farm series in Monster life?

“Farm Series” are farms, owned by one or more users, with specific monster types, and are solely created for questing purposes. Known Farm Series are: For more information about this list, please read the details on the [post=9834569]Special List’s Descriptions post [/post].