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What is lecture based learning?

lecture-based instructional approach refers to a traditional classroom teaching model, where the instructor delivers lecture verbally in combination with a projector, visual display surface and writing surface (e.g. a chalkboard or dry-erase whiteboard).

Why lecture based learning is important?

The finding of the current study revealed that the lecture method has a better statistically significant effect on immediate knowledge retention as compared to problem-based learning. This means lecture method is more helpful for having an immediate knowledge retention than PBL.

What is lecture method of teaching?

Lecture method is the oldest method of teaching. It is based on the philosophy of idealism. This method refers to the explanation of the topic to the students. The teacher clarifies the content matter to the students by using gestures, simple devices, by changing voice, change in position and facial expressions.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of lecture method?

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Lecture Method

  • Lectures are the cultural norm of adult education.
  • Lectures inflate the trainer’s ego.
  • Lectures do not require extensive preparation.
  • Lectures permit efficient coverage of content in a limited time.
  • Lectures can reach a large group at the same time.

How effective are lectures for learning?

Instructors can use lectures to help students easily acquire knowledge of terms, basic facts, and simple concepts. Lectures are as effective, but not more effective, than other methods in transmitting simple information (Bligh, 2000). The lecture method may match students’ expectations of student and teacher roles.

What are the benefits of lecture method?

Advantages of Lecture Method of Teaching

  • In this teaching method a large amount the topics can be covered in a single class period.
  • Using of this method exclude the using of any equipment or Lab.
  • Learning material is not required.
  • Student listening skills developed.

How can we make lecture method more effective and efficient in teaching?

Making lectures more effective and engaging

  1. Be prepared.
  2. Set your expectations on the first day.
  3. Break up the ‘teacher talk’ time.
  4. Ask questions that encourage participation.
  5. Use technology to encourage participation.
  6. Connect learning to the ‘real world’
  7. Ask for feedback.
  8. References.

How do you make a lecture method more effective?

How do teachers use the lecture method?

Teaching Lecture Tips

  1. Put a brief outline of the lecture on the blackboard or overhead transparency before you begin.
  2. Use examples to allow students to think about other examples that may be relevant to their experience.
  3. Look at the class.
  4. Speak loud enough for the entire class to hear.
  5. Vary your tone of voice.

What are the advantages of lecture method of teaching?

Advantages of the lecture

  • Effective lecturers can communicate the intrinsic interest of a subject through their enthusiasm.
  • Lectures can present material not otherwise available to students.
  • Lectures can be specifically organized to meet the needs of particular audiences.

How can lecture method of teaching be improved?

Use effective presentation strategies

  1. Maintain regular eye contact with the entire class.
  2. Avoid turning away from students when you speak.
  3. Use a microphone in large classes.
  4. Speak clearly, but use a conversational tone.
  5. Convey your enthusiasm for the material and the students.

How do you help students during lectures to achieve real learning?

Popular replies (1) Putting yourself into the understanding/ reception level of the students and beginning the lecture with some questions which are clarified in the process of discussion is essential. At the same time keeping yourself updated with the new teaching-learning aids is a vital part of the good lecture.

What do you mean by a learning environment?

A.2 What is a learning environment? ‘Learning environment refers to the diverse physical locations, contexts, and cultures in which students learn.

Is there such a thing as an optimum learning environment?

There is of course no single optimum learning environment. There is an infinite number of possible learning environments, which is what makes teaching so interesting. Developing a total learning environment for students in a particular course or program is probably the most creative part of teaching.

Can a mature learner create their own learning environment?

Indeed, adult or mature learners are capable of creating their own, personal, relatively autonomous learning environments. The significant point is that it is important to identify those components that need to be considered in teaching a course or program, and in particular that there are other components besides content or curriculum.

How are physical characteristics of learning environments affect learners?

Third, the physical characteristics of learning environments can affect learners emotionally, with important cognitive and behavioral consequences.