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What is Hyperius weak against?

Hyperius, un-shielded, is weak to flame.

Does Hyperius drop Seraph crystals?

You can get crystals from both Hyperius and Master Gee the Invincible. Both of these fights are more tactical than complicated, and can be really difficult to do without an experienced team. Both of these bosses have quests that lead to them, after you beat the main story for the DLC. Each boss drops ~10 crystals each.

How many seraph crystals do you need?

Seraph Items. Seraph weapons, shields and grenade mods cost 120 Seraph crystals each. Relics only cost 50 crystals. As reference, each Seraph guardian drops on average 10 crystals per kill.

Is Terramorphous immune to slag?

Terramorphous can be slagged, and will show it (turn purple) but he has serious resistance so you will need a high slag % chance weapon; and the slag does NOT last long (2 seconds tops).

What kind of bug bite causes no visible welts?

Thrips bites are a temporary, minor irritation but causes no visible welts or bites. Washing the arms or hands immediately cures a thrips “infestation”. Spiders. Spiders are a diverse group of eight legged arthropods.

What kind of bug bites are red and Itchy?

Bed bug bites are painless but can lead to itching and inflammation, and are sometimes accompanied by series of red blotches on the skin. Conenose (or kissing) bugs. These are relatively large insects, 10-30 mm- (3/4 to 1 1/8 inch-) long.

What causes a false perception of insect bites?

A variety of environmental factors, for example, can produce the false perception of insect bites. Medical conditions including anemia, diabetes, liver disease, lupus, uremia, hyperthyroidism, lymphoma, and others can cause perceptions of parasitosis, dermatitis or hives.

What does it mean to be bitten by a bug?

Parasitosis is the condition of being parasitized, bitten, or lived on by another organism. Recognizing this condition in people, however, is not always easy, and undiagnosed “bites” are one of the most frustrating of all pest control problems.