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What is GeneratedKeyHolder?

GeneratedKeyHolder is a standard implementation of the KeyHolder interface, which is used for holding auto-generated keys. The auto-generated keys are potentially returned by JDBC insert statements.

What is PreparedStatementCreator?

Interface PreparedStatementCreator One of the two central callback interfaces used by the JdbcTemplate class. This interface creates a PreparedStatement given a connection, provided by the JdbcTemplate class. Implementations are responsible for providing SQL and any necessary parameters.

What is KeyHolder in Java?

public interface KeyHolder. Interface for retrieving keys, typically used for auto-generated keys as potentially returned by JDBC insert statements. Implementations of this interface can hold any number of keys. In the general case, the keys are returned as a List containing one Map for each row of keys.

What is spring SqlParameterSource?

SqlParameterSource in spring is used to insert rows in table. SqlParameterSource is more efficient than plane map approach. Java bean which is mapped to table, can directly be used to insert values. SqlParameterSource has two implementation BeanPropertySqlParameterSource and MapSqlParameterSource.

What is JdbcTemplate KeyHolder?

KeyHolder holds the generated primary key, getKey() returns the value. public Long save(User user) {

What is a RowMapper?

Interface RowMapper An interface used by JdbcTemplate for mapping rows of a ResultSet on a per-row basis. RowMapper objects are typically stateless and thus reusable; they are an ideal choice for implementing row-mapping logic in a single place.

What is the use of MapSqlParameterSource?

Class MapSqlParameterSource. SqlParameterSource implementation that holds a given Map of parameters. This class is intended for passing in a simple Map of parameter values to the methods of the NamedParameterJdbcTemplate class. The addValue methods on this class will make adding several values easier.

How can we get primary key value auto generated keys from inserted queries using JDBC?

How to get mysql auto increment key value using java jdbc

  1. package com. net.
  2. sql.*;
  3. public class JdbcAutoGeneratedKeyExample {
  4. JdbcAutoGeneratedKeyExample jdbcMysqlSelectExample = new JdbcAutoGeneratedKeyExample();
  5. Connection connection = jdbcMysqlSelectExample.
  6. Statement statement = null;
  7. ResultSet rs = null;
  8. try {

What is the difference between RowMapper and ResultSetExtractor?

1. Row mapper can be processing per row basis. But Resultset extractor we can naviagte all rows and return type is object.

How do you write a row Mapper?


  1. Step 1 − Create a JdbcTemplate object using a configured datasource.
  2. Step 2 − Create a StudentMapper object implementing RowMapper interface.
  3. Step 3 − Use JdbcTemplate object methods to make database operations while using StudentMapper object.

What is MapSqlParameterSource in Java?

public class MapSqlParameterSource extends AbstractSqlParameterSource. SqlParameterSource implementation that holds a given Map of parameters. This class is intended for passing in a simple Map of parameter values to the methods of the NamedParameterJdbcTemplate class.

What is the difference between JdbcTemplate and NamedParameterJdbcTemplate?

Functionally, there’s no difference between Spring’s JdbcTemplate and it’s variant, NamedParameterJdbcTemplate except for : NamedParameterJdbcTemplate provides a better approach for assigning sql dynamic parameters instead of using multiple ‘?’ in the statement.