What is for against and abstain?
If a director runs unopposed, he or she only needs one vote to be elected, so an “against” vote is meaningless. In this case, you have the choice of voting “for” each nominee, “against” each nominee, or you can “abstain” from voting your shares. An “abstain” vote may or may not affect a director’s election.
What does abstain mean in court?
Definition. A federal court’s decision not to exercise jurisdiction over a case. The usual goal of abstention is the avoidance of needless conflict with a state court.
What is the purpose of statutory meeting?
The main objective of the statutory meeting is to make the members familiar with the matters regarding the promotion and formation of the company. The shareholders receive particulars related to shares taken up, moneys received, contracts entered into, preliminary expenses incurred, etc.
What are the services of the records management training program?
The Records Management Training Program provides five services that support records management training performed by Federal agencies. Our Training Materials Catalog contains most of the training materials that we develop, including all of the new online lessons that are part of the new training curriculum that we call Curriculum 2.0.
Is the National Archives records management program free?
In 2020, the Records Management Training Program ended its in-person workshops and moved to an all-online, self-paced format. Now, you can take our records management training on your own schedule, for free. Our Online Learning page Online Lessons gives you access to all of the training lessons we have developed.
How does Microsoft 365 support your records management solution?
Use the following capabilities to support your records management solution in Microsoft 365: Label content as a record. Create and configure retention labels to mark content as a record that can then be applied by users or automatically applied by identifying sensitive information, keywords, or content types.
What do you mean by registry in records management?
What Is a Registry in Records Management? A registry is usually a physical place where records management occurs. It is often where paper records are filed and accessed, usually by a records manager. This manager also maintains a record throughout its lifecycle, from creation to disposition.