
If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book

What is deep Christian faith?

Within Christianity, faith, in one sense, is often discussed in terms of believing God’s promises, trusting in his faithfulness, and relying on God’s character and faithfulness to act. …

What does it mean to be truly Christian?

As a Christian, someone who has put faith in trust in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ through His death on the cross and subsequent resurrection, our behavior mirrors, reflects and resembles Christ. Being a follower and disciple of Jesus extends beyond our outward behavior. It includes the condition of our heart.

What are 3 major Christian beliefs?

This divine Godhead consists of three parts: the father (God himself), the son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit. The essence of Christianity revolves around the life, death and Christian beliefs on the resurrection of Jesus. Christians believe God sent his son Jesus, the messiah, to save the world.

What are the 7 Christian values?

Christian Values for Schools

  • Service.
  • Thankfulness.
  • Compassion.
  • Endurance.
  • Creativity.
  • Justice.
  • Peace.
  • Wisdom.

How do you know God is deep?

8 Tips To Go Deeper Into God’s Word

  1. Pray. Prayer is so important.
  2. Don’t toss out any books of the bible. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says,
  3. Park yourself in one book.
  4. Search out the context.
  5. Hold off on using a commentary until the end.
  6. Use different translations.
  7. Define words.
  8. Be patient with yourself.

What does the Bible say about a deeper relationship with God?

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, love your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:27). A person’s love for God must show itself in love for people.

What does deep mean in the Bible?

Tehom (Hebrew: תְּהוֹם‎), literally the Deep or Abyss (Ancient Greek: ἄβυσσος), refers to the Great Deep of the primordial waters of creation in the Bible.

What is the deeper Christian Life Network?

The Deeper Christian Life Network is a premium online community that provides virtual mentoring from bestselling author & speaker Frank Viola and connection with others who desire to grow deeper in Christ.. Dissent is a gift to the Church. It is the imagination of the prophets that continually call us back to our identity as the peculiar people of God.

Is there a better way to be Christian?

Peaceful And Full Of Mercy. You might get the hint from some Christians that God is pleased when we tirade and rant about everything in culture.

  • Lives In A Community With Other Christians. Healthy Christians love to do life and grow together with other Christians.
  • Lives For The Glory of God.
  • A Friend of Sinners.
  • Increasing in Loving And Kindness.
  • What do Christian believe in?

    Christians believe in one God that exists in three persons—the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. Christians believe that mankind was created specifically to have a relationship with God, but sin separates all men from God (Romans 3:23; 5:12).

    What is a Deeper Life Church?

    Deeper Christian Life Ministry is a Christian Ministry with its international headquarters, Deeper Life Bible Church Lagos in Lagos .