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What is Autofac module?

A module can do many things : it can register new components and/or subscribe to Autofac events. In this case, the LoggingModule doesn’t register ILog . It intercepts the preparation of other components using the Preparing event and add a new Parameter that will create the ILog if needed.

What is Autofac bootstrapper?

Autofac: Home. Autofac is an addictive Inversion of Control container for . NET Core, ASP.NET Core, . NET 4.5. 1+, Universal Windows apps, and more.

How do I set up Autofac?

The basic steps to getting configuration set up with your application are:

  1. Set up your configuration in JSON or XML files that can be read by Microsoft. Extensions. Configuration .
  2. Build the configuration using the Microsoft. Extensions.
  3. Create a new Autofac. Configuration.
  4. Register the Autofac. Configuration.

What are aggregate services?

What’s an Aggregate Service? What an aggregate service allows you to do is treat a collection of dependencies as a single dependency. As you can image, if a class depends on having multiple classes or services injected into it, we can simplify its API by moving these dependencies into a single one.

What is Autofac MVC?

Autofac is an IoC container that provides better integration for the ASP.NET MVC Framework, and manages dependencies between classes so that applications stay easy to change.

Which IoC container is best?

You can waste days evaluating IOC containers. The top ones are quite similar. There is not much in this, but the best ones are StructureMap and AutoFac.

How do I use Autofac in xamarin forms?

Manage NuGet Packages for the Xamarin.Forms library

  1. Select the Browse tab and search for Autofac (Author(s): Autofac Contributors)
  2. Get the latest stable version and select Install.
  3. Commit.

How Autofac is implemented in MVC?

To get Autofac integrated with MVC you need to reference the MVC integration NuGet package, register your controllers, and set the dependency resolver. You can optionally enable other features as well. The sections below go into further detail about what each of these features do and how to use them.

What happens when you register a component in Autofac?

When you register components, you have to tell Autofac which services that component exposes. By default, most registrations will just expose themselves as the type registered: Components can only be resolved by the services they expose. In this simple example it means: You can expose a component with any number of services you like:

Which is an example of an Autofac module?

Autofac modules are the simplest way to introduce dynamic registration logic or simple cross-cutting features. For example, you can use a module to dynamically attach a log4net logger instance to a service being resolved.

Can you register an abstract class in Autofac?

While components can expose abstract classes or interfaces as services, you can’t register an abstract/interface component. It makes sense if you think about it: behind the scenes, Autofac is creating an instance of the thing you’re registering. You can’t “new up” an abstract class or an interface.

Can you use Autofac to inject constructor parameters?

Let Autofac inject your constructor parameters for you. It can also handle property and method injection. Strike a balance between the deployment-time benefits of XML configuration and the power of code with Autofac modules.