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What is au flag in sailing?

Under flag U if the start is recalled everyone is entitled to sail the race. If Flag U has been displayed as the preparatory signal, no part of a boat’s hull, crew or equipment shall be in the triangle formed by the ends of the Starting line and the first mark during the last minute before her starting signal.

What is a bear away GYBE?

Jibe sets put teams in a more leveraged position as most of the fleet will do a bear-away set. However if the bear-away set teams get a shift or more pressure, jibe set teams will pay a significant price for staying inside.

What does AP stand for in sailing?

Postponement Signal The most important signal is the Answering Pennant (AP), which is denoted by a flag with vertical red and white stripes, communicating to sailors that a race is to be postponed.

What does N over a mean in sailing?

N over A – No sailing today.

What do you say when jibing?

When the crew has readied (prepared) the sheets the crew will yell, “Ready”. The helmsman will then say, “Gybe Ho” or “Gybing” to notify the crew that he has started to make the turn down through the wind.

What is a JK in sailing?

JK: Their jibing and their tacking. As you’ve seen, you can gain hundreds of meters in one jibe. They’re very consistent out there.

What does N over a mean?

the signal to abandon a race with no more racing today is N over A.

What does AP mean in sailing?

Postponement signal

Flag signal Description
AP 1 Races not yet started are postponed 1 hour.
AP 2 Races not yet started are postponed 2 hours.
AP 3 Races not yet started are postponed 3 hours.
AP A Races not yet started are postponed. No more racing today.

What does AP over AP mean?

In any event the scheduled start time of the next race will already be past as you can’t schedule the start of a race for after the time limit. Race signals state that AP over A means “races not started are Postponed no more racing today”.

What does hard a’lee mean?

hard-a-lee. The situation of the tiller when it brings the rudder hard over to windward. Strictly speaking, it only relates to a tiller which extends forward from the rudder-head; now many extend aft, in which case the order remains the same, but the tiller and rudder are both brought over to windward.

What is jibing and tacking?

Tacking is how you head upwind, pointing as high into the wind as possible, to keep the sails full. A jibe is conducted when you are heading downwind. Both involve the processes of turning the boat to change course when the current direction of travel is no longer possible or safe.

What is a pro in sailing?

Purpose of this Guide. Being the Principal Race Officer [PRO] is an important responsibility. The club relies on everyone having their turn at being PRO. It is an opportunity for you to think about what makes a great race, improve your own sailing and make sure our club is an enjoyable place to come to.

When do you know if a boat is OCS?

Notwithstanding a Black flag, when only one sound signal is made at the start, if boats are OCS there will be at least two sound signals and if there are individual recalls the ‘X’ flag will be flying. That’s the moment to asking hard questions: was it us; do we go back; will the ‘X’ come down or do we wait to see the results?

What to do if you think you are OCS?

If you think you are OCS, the sooner you decide to go back the better. If the race committee is calling OCS boats on the VHF, ensure the radio is to hand and that somebody is listening straight after the start.

Can You Luff a boat to windward if you are OCS?

If you are OCS, remember you retain your rights until you are heading back, so (subject to RRS 16) you may be entitled to luff the boat to windward in order to make space to return. You won’t make many friends doing this, mind you!

Can a OCS On course side Ruin Your Day?

An OCS can ruin your series as much as your day, but it can also be hard to avoid. Jonty Sherwill asks World Match Racing champion Ian Williams how to reduce loss – or even gain advantage Fleet start, bow 12 over. Photo Rick Tomlinson