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What is a trans fatty acid quizlet?

trans fatty acids. unsaturated fatty acids that contain at least one double bond in the trans position which causes decreased mobility and fluidity and hardening into fat. naturally occurring sources of trans fat. milk, butter and meat from ruminant animals.

How are trans-fatty acids formed quizlet?

The process of hydrogenation breaks some of the fatty acids’ double bonds and adds hydrogen atoms to the molecule. This straightening out is a result of the hydrogen atoms being on opposite sides of the carbon bond, thus they become trans-fatty acids.

What are cis fatty acids quizlet?

Cis fatty acid form. hydrogen atoms are bonded to the carbon atoms on the same side.

Which of the following defines a trans fatty acid?

Trans-fatty acids are manufactured fats created during a process called hydrogenation, which is aimed at stabilizing polyunsaturated oils to prevent them from becoming rancid and to keep them solid at room temperature. They may be particularly dangerous for heart health and may pose a risk for certain cancers.

Are trans fat good?

Trans fat is considered the worst type of fat you can eat. Unlike other dietary fats, trans fat — also called trans-fatty acids — raises your “bad” cholesterol and also lowers your “good” cholesterol. A diet laden with trans fat increases your risk of heart disease, the leading killer of adults.

What are the health risks associated with trans fatty acids?

Trans fats raise your bad (LDL) cholesterol levels and lower your good (HDL) cholesterol levels. Eating trans fats increases your risk of developing heart disease and stroke. It’s also associated with a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

What happens when you hydrogenate fat?

Since the process of hydrogenation adds hydrogen atoms to oil, it will reduce the number of unsaturated fatty acids and increase the number of saturated fatty acids in the oil.

How much trans fat is safe?

You should get no more than 25% to 30% of your daily calories from fats. You should limit saturated fat to less than 10% of your daily calories. You should limit trans fat to less than 1% of your daily calories. For someone with a 2,000 calorie a day diet, this is about 20 calories or 2 grams per day.

What is cis and trans fat?

Cis or Trans Fatty Acids Cis fatty acid has both hydrogen atoms located on the same side. On the contrary, trans fatty acid has the two hydrogen atoms on opposite sides. Fatty acids with cis configuration are typical in natural foods.

Why trans fatty acids are harmful?

Trans fats raise your LDL (bad) cholesterol. They also lower your HDL (good) cholesterol. High LDL along with low HDL levels can cause cholesterol to build up in your arteries (blood vessels). This increases your risk for heart disease and stroke.

Which food has trans fat?

Trans fat in your food

  • Baked goods, such as cakes, cookies and pies.
  • Shortening.
  • Microwave popcorn.
  • Frozen pizza.
  • Refrigerated dough, such as biscuits and rolls.
  • Fried foods, including french fries, doughnuts and fried chicken.
  • Nondairy coffee creamer.
  • Stick margarine.

Why are trans fatty acids potentially so harmful?

Trans fats are bad for your cardiovascular system. Trans fats increase your LDL (bad) cholesterol. This contributes to the development of plaque which can clog arteries and make them less flexible.

What are trans fats, and are they bad for You?

Trans fat is considered the worst type of fat you can eat. Unlike other dietary fats, trans fat – also called trans-fatty acids – raises your “bad” cholesterol and also lowers your “good” cholesterol. A diet laden with trans fat increases your risk of heart disease, the leading killer of adults.

Why you should avoid trans fatty acids?

The American Diabetes Association recommends avoiding trans fats at all costs, even more so than saturated fats. This is because trans fats amplifies blood cholesterol levels, which is directly related to the advancement of type 2 diabetes. The best way to avoid trans fats is to be a conscious eater.

Are trans fats really that bad?

While all fats are high in calories, and should be consumed in moderation (even good fats), trans fats are downright dangerous. They clog our arteries and make our heart work extra hard. Trans fats damage our blood cells and put us at risk for a whole host of illnesses. Trans fats really are that bad.