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What is a social enterprise Nova Scotia?

A social enterprise is a business with a social mission. Building FUTURES Employment Society is a non-profit charitable organization. We operate four social enterprises. Although FUTURES receives funding from the Government of Nova Scotia, we have significant costs that we must cover.

What is a social enterprise scheme?

Social Enterprise Programme is a programme that supports organisations known as social enterprises. Social enterprises employ business strategies to meet social and environmental needs and make a positive impact in their communities.

Can you invest in a social enterprise?

While everyone can invest in the unlisted securities of social enterprises, these FCA rules mean that firms must check investors understand the risks or limit their exposure to an affordable amount.

Who is responsible for running a social enterprise?

Social enterprises are independent businesses, autonomous of state/government control. They are owned and controlled in the interests of the organisations social/environmental mission. Social enterprises should earn at least 50% of their income through trading, rather than through grants or other funding.

Do social enterprises pay tax?

It is a common misconception that Social Enterprises are exempt from tax. For HMRC, social enterprises are treated the same as limited companies for tax purposes. On a positive note, there are some reliefs available to social enterprises and charities.

What is a for profit social enterprise?

Social enterprise, also known as social entrepreneurship, broadly encompasses ventures of nonprofits, civic-minded individuals, and for-profit businesses that can yield both financial and social returns. The concept of social enterprise also applies to for-profit ventures with a strong social bottom line.

Can social enterprises accept donations?

Yes, social enterprises can accept donations. Their treatment depends on the legal structure the social enterprise has and where the donations came from (individuals or businesses) and whether the donation is money, services, goods or other items.