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What is a Level 1 question?

Level One questions can be answered using FACTS in the text or easily accessible information from other texts. They are FACT-BASED. If it’s a Level One question, you can literally put your finger on the answer in the text. Level Two questions can be answered after interpreting or analyzing text.

What are some Level 2 questions examples?

Level 2. Analysis/Interpretation Questions

  • How did… occur?
  • Why does… occur?
  • What are the reasons for…?
  • What are types of…?
  • How does… function?
  • How does the process occur?
  • What are my own examples of…?
  • What causes …to occur?

What are second level questions?

Second-level questioning guides your prospects to analyze and further explain their responses to your first-level questions. They prompt prospects to think through their ideas or think through a situation. In fact, the best salespeople ask these questions more than any other level of question.

What are the level of questions?

The Levels of Questions strategy helps students comprehend and interpret a text by requiring them to answer three types of questions about it: factual, inferential, and universal.

What is the difference between Level 1 Thinking and Level 3 thinking?

Level 1 (the lowest level) requires one to gather information. Level 2 (the middle level) requires one to process the information. Level 3 (the highest level) requires one to apply the information. Prove your answer.

What is a Level 2 Costa question?

Level Two questions enable students to process information. They expect students to make sense of information they have gathered and retrieved from long-and short-term memory.

What is the difference between Level 1 thinking and Level 3 thinking?

What are examples of low level questions?

Application questions are also considered low level questions. They ask the student how a certain task or process is done. Here are some examples of questions in the application level: What is the process we use to solve for X?…Low-Level Questions

  • What is…?
  • Who is…?
  • Where did…?

What are Level 4 questions?

Level 4. Critical Analysis/Evaluation/Opinion Questions

  • Good/bad? Why?
  • Correct or incorrect? Why?
  • Effective or ineffective? Why?
  • Relevant or irrelevant? Why?
  • Logical or illogical? Why?
  • Applicable or not applicable? Why?
  • Proven or not proven? Why?
  • Ethical or unethical? Why?

What are Costa’s Level 1 questions?

Level One questions cause students to recall information. This level of question causes students to input the data into short-term memory, but if they don’t use it in some meaningful way, they may soon forget. Level Two questions enable students to process information.

What is a level one question?

Factual questions (level one) can be answered explicitly by facts contained in the text. Inferential questions (level two) can be answered through analysis and interpretation of specific parts of the text. Universal questions (level three) are open-ended questions that are raised by ideas in the text.

What are the three levels of questions?

The Levels of Questions strategy helps students comprehend and interpret a text by requiring them to answer three types of questions about it: factual, inferential, and universal.

What are level three questions?

Universal questions (level three) are open-ended questions that are raised by ideas in the text. They are intended to provoke a discussion of an abstract idea or issue.

What is a level two question?

Level Two questions can be answered after interpreting or analyzing text. They are inference-based. The answer is an INFERENCE. If it’s a Level Two question, you apply your skills and concepts already known to what you learned from the text in order to understand what is being implied.