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What happens if accessory nerve is damaged?

The spinal accessory nerve originates in the brain and enables motion in the trapezius and sternomastoid muscles in the neck. A spinal accessory nerve injury can be caused by trauma or damage during surgery, resulting in shoulder pain, “winging” of the shoulder blades and weakness of the trapezius muscle.

How do you fix accessory nerve damage?

The treatment of spinal accessory nerve palsy includes physical therapy as the main conservative or non-surgical component. For patients not responding to the conservative methods, surgery is considered for them. Surgical options comprise nerve surgery, nerve grafting, and nerve regeneration.

How long does it take for accessory nerve to heal?

The nerve usually recovers spontaneously, although this may take up to 6 months. Performing shoulder range of motion exercises while waiting for nerve recovery is of paramount importance.

What is the accessory nerve responsible for?

The accessory nerve provides motor function (movement) to two muscles essential to neck and shoulder movement, the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and the trapezius, as well as to the larynx (voice box) and other structures in the throat. It’s the 11th of the 12 cranial nerves and is often referred to as CN XI.

How do you test spinal accessory nerve?

Examination. The accessory nerve is tested by evaluating the function of the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles. The trapezius muscle is tested by asking the patient to shrug their shoulders with and without resistance.

Where is the spinal accessory nerve particularly at risk of damage?

Cranial nerve XI, the spinal accessory nerve (SAN), is vulnerable to injury, owing to its long and superficial course in the posterior cervical neck. An important landmark in the neck, the SAN is considered to contribute most motor innervation to the trapezius muscle.

What happens if axillary nerve is damaged?

Axillary nerve dysfunction is nerve damage that can lead to a loss of movement or sensation in the shoulder. Conditions associated with axillary nerve dysfunction include fracture of the humerus (upper arm bone), pressure from casts or splints, and improper use of crutches.

What is spinal accessory neuropathy?

Spinal accessory neuropathy (SAN) causes impaired arm mobility and pain. The spinal accessory nerve is often injured during surgical procedures such as neck dissection for tumor resection or cervical lymph node biopsy. Other traumatic injuries may also occur.

Can the spinal accessory nerve heal?

The average time to maximal recovery was 6 months, with a range of 4 to 12 months. Early surgical exploration yields better results, especially in those with severe accessory nerve dysfunction.

How do you test an accessory nerve?

Where does the accessory nerve terminate?

This cluster of neurons, called the spinal accessory nucleus, is located in the lateral aspect of the anterior horn of the spinal cord, and stretches from where the spinal cord begins (at the junction with the medulla) through to the level of about C6.

What are the symptoms of axillary nerve damage?

What are the symptoms of axillary nerve dysfunction?

  • feel numbness or tingling in the shoulder region.
  • have weakness in the shoulders.
  • have problems with normal physical activities, such as lifting your arms above your head.
  • have difficulty lifting objects.