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What drugs is malaria resistant to?

Since then, chloroquine resistance has spread to nearly all areas of the world where falciparum malaria is transmitted. P. falciparum has also developed resistance to nearly all of the other currently available antimalarial drugs, such as sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine, mefloquine, halofantrine, and quinine.

Is Plasmodium malaria assertive or resistance against antimalarial drugs?

Seventy-seven of the 81 countries worldwide with endemic P. falciparum have now adopted the WHO recommendation (1). New drugs, even when used in combination, are not impervious to resistance….Abbreviations.

ACT Artemisinin-based combination therapy
PfCRT Plasmodium falciparum chloroquine resistance transporter

What causes antimalarial drug resistance?

Resistance to antimalarial arises because of the selection of parasites with genetic mutations or gene amplifications that confer reduced susceptibility. Resistance appears to be caused by a change in the structure, function, or quantity of a protein.

What blood type is immune to malaria?

Individuals with blood type O are able to generate antibodies to counteract PfEMP1, which disrupts the rosettes and prevents these individuals developing severe malaria.

What Genotype protects against malaria?

Sickle cell trait (genotype HbAS) confers a high degree of resistance to severe and complicated malaria [1–4] yet the precise mechanism remains unknown.

What are the symptoms of resistant malaria?


  • High fever (up to 105 degrees Fahrenheit) with shaking chills.
  • Profuse sweating when the fever suddenly drops.
  • Fatigue.
  • Headache.
  • Muscle aches.
  • Abdominal discomfort.
  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Feeling faint when you stand up or sit up quickly.

Is chloroquine effective against malaria?

Chloroquine belongs to a group of medicines known as antimalarials. It works by preventing or treating malaria, a red blood cell infection transmitted by the bite of a mosquito.

What is chloroquine resistant malaria?

Resistance to chloroquine of malaria strains is known to be associated with a parasite protein named PfCRT, the mutated form of which is able to reduce chloroquine accumulation in the digestive vacuole of the pathogen.

How is malaria resistant diagnosed?

Molecular characterization: For some drugs (chloroquine, sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine and similar drugs, atovaquone), molecular markers have been identified that confer resistance. Molecular techniques, such as PCR or gene sequencing can identify these markers in blood taken from malaria-infected patients.

Which genotype suffers malaria most?

Children with genotype AA (92.3%) were more susceptible to malaria parasite than AS (5.1%) and SS (2.6%). The association of haemoglobin genotype with malaria was highly significant (p<0.001).